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気になった一文集(English ver. No. 11)

Global temperature, therefore, has risen from near the coldest to the warmest levels of the Holocene within the past century, reversing the long-term cooling trend that began ~5000 yr B.P.

A Reconstruction of Regional and Global Temperature for the Past 11,300 Years
Marcott et al., 2013, Science (vol. 339, pp. 1201)


It found that not only does the uptake of CO2 from the atmosphere into the ocean increase seawater CO2 levels and reduce pH in the ocean, it also causes a reduction in the ability of the ocean to buffer natural changes.

It is important to consider that the current rate of increase in ocean acidity is 100 times faster than the rate of change in the last million years of earth’s history.

If we allow CO2 emissions to increase unabated it will likely take thousands of years for chemical changes in the ocean to return to conditions like those today.

If you go to the Great Barrier Reef today you won’t see any visible warning sign of ocean acidification. By the time changes can be clearly seen on the reef, it will likely be too late to reverse them.

Jumps in ocean acidity put coral in more peril」Emily Shaw, The Conversation, 5 March 2013.


As the Western Australian ocean heatwave showed us two years ago when it devastated fish stocks, it can be the extreme end of the spectrum that can cause the most damage, and these damages may be irreversible over our lifetimes in the case of ocean acidification.

Global warming could corrode shallow reefs sooner」EPOCAブログ(1 Mar 2013)


We particularly cannot afford that view when our planet is being propelled by human action into another climate regime with incalculable social and environmental costs. The only way to figure out what is happening to our planet is to measure it, and this means tracking changes decade after decade and poring over the records.

But in the case of a program aimed at long-term change, "research" and "operations" cannot be separated cleanly. Finding and correcting for the inevitable systematic biases is a job for scientists who understand the measurement technology, are passionate about data integrity, and are motivated to unravel how the Earth system operates.

Science podcast (28 Mar 2008)」Ralph Keeling


Smallholders often purchase stocks on credit that is repaid at the end of the season, so the loss of a crop or livestock in one bad year can put the farmer into debt for many years, condemning generations to poverty.

To lessen the impacts of adverse weather, networks must be established between the forecasters of global weather and climate in the developed world, and research, governmental and non-governmental organizations in the less-developed world. 

Paradoxically, as forecasts become better and their resolution grows, it becomes more difficult for developing countries to access them. 

Faced with possible climate change, societies that learn to cope with and mitigate hazards now will be most adept at dealing with more frequent and intense hazards in the future. 

Improve weather forecasts for the developing world」Nature 493, 17–19 (03 January 2013)


The implication is simple: Even if consumption is held constant, ecological impact can increase—not only for energy but also for other resources.

By law, land cleared for an oil well must be reclaimed after abandonment, but the ecological value of reclaimed sites is not equivalent to their pre-development condition.

A recent study found that emission levels in oil-sands mines are 23 times that of conventional production. Because less than 20% of the deposit can be accessed from the surface, production will  soon be dominated by  in situ drilling, substantially increasing cumulative land disruption: Three times as much land is disturbed to produce the natural gas required for oil-sand drilling as is consumed by the wells themselves.

Declining conventional fossil fuel reserves have motivated much more investment in nonconventional fossil fuel enterprises than in renewable alternatives, representing a global trend toward increased ecological impact per unit of fuel produced. Coal production, which is growing at a faster rate than any other fossil fuel, is increasingly dominated by surface (including mountain-top) mining, which allows more efficient extraction of lower-density deposits but is also more ecologically disruptive than underground mining.

Even if consumption leveled off, increases in ecological impact could result as global reserves become depleted. The question is not when resources will run out, but how much ecological impact we can tolerate. 

Not all about consumption」Science (15 Mar 2013)


We must prepare young people to address this issue: The problem of preserving a habitable planet will engage present and future generations. Scientists must improve communication if research is to inform the public and policy makers better.

Development and application of earth system models」Ronald G. Prinn, PNAS (26 February 2013; Vol. 110, No. Supplement 1)


More than 80% of the biomass used for energy comes from forests, in the form of logs, wood chips, wood pellets, sawdust, bark and other by-products. Just one-third of the world’s 4 billion hectares of forest is used for wood production or other commercial purposes. And those that are managed have room to grow more feedstock than they currently do.

...better use of low-yielding grasslands, sparse woodlands and degraded land could deliver more biofuels without encroaching on food production.

Planting 170 million hectares of this with energy crops could deliver 15 exa-joules, and still leave space for feeding rising populations, urban development and biodiversity protection, and new forests.

In the Northern Hemisphere, fossil fuels still dominate the heat market, even though biomass is half the price of oil.

For electricity production, biofuels supply around 2% of the world’s needs

The top priority should be heating: improving efficiency in developing countries and using biomass and district heating, rather than fossil fuels and electricity, in developed countries. 

Without targeted, long-term government policies, bioenergy will develop too slowly to help in the mitigation of climate change. 
Build a biomass energy market」Nature (7 Feb 2013, vol. 494, 29-31)


The controversy over these technologies in general has translated into a controversy over the regulation of research that has the effect right now that a lot of research that’s really needed isn’t going ahead.

...we argue that there needs to be consultations and discussions between governments and scientists to help develop the outlines of near-term research programs that would be low in risk, high in scientific value, and socially and publicly and politically acceptable.

…we propose a couple of specific initiatives to help map out the outlines of that governance system.

Because if future climate change turns out really badly, we may find ourselves in a situation in a few decades where it’s really essential to begin deploying climate engineering technologies to slow or stop or reverse bad changes that are underway.

…we think it’s crucial that they start talking to each other early on while the stakes are low so that if we do come to such a frightening climate future, there will be cooperative decision-making channels established, and it won’t be a cascade of provocative actions taken by one great power or another, because the risks of that would be terrible.

Science Podcast (15 Mar 2013)


It is, simply put, the largest chemistry experiment ever attempted. It is happening now, and it has real impacts on people and local economies today

The ocean in a high carbon dioxide world」EPOCA海洋酸性化ブログ


Ecosystems that will most likely be affected include coral reefs, open ocean environments, high-latitude oceans, and deep-sea regions. Susceptible species provide human communities with many goods and services, so human communities may feel the effects of ocean acidification in several ways.

Ocean acidification」EPOCA海洋酸性化ブログ(Cooley & Doney, 2013, Encyclopedia of Environmetrics)
