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気になった一文集(English ver. No. 9)

If the ocean dies, the planet dies.



Whatever the outcome, it is clear that we need to find more efficient ways of using energy if we are to protect the climate by reducing emissions.

Mission emissions」(Nature Climate Change, Nov 2012)


The vast areas of ocean and the inhospitality of Antarctica make reconstructing climate in the Southern Hemisphere a challenging yet fascinating task.

Tree rings and storm tracks」(Nature Geoscience, Nov 2012)


It reconfirms that these changes in the ice sheets are real. The giants of the West Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets are waking up to changing climate at an increasing rate.

Robert Bindschadler 「Experts Agree Global Warming Is Melting the World Rapidly」(Science, 30 Nov 2012)


For both wealthy and poor nations, the challenge is to convince people to act before it is too late. 

“Adaptation is largely a matter of changing social processes so that fewer people are at risk,” says Barnett. “This of course won’t be easy — but it does mean the solutions are determined by people, not by nature”.

Adapting to a warmer world: No going back」(Nature, 28 Nov 2012)


Take out nuclear warheads, put in CO2 — the basic idea was as easy as that,” says Prins. “But it turned out that climate change is a much more wicked beast — scientifically and economically — than ozone chemistry or nuclear-arms control.”
The Kyoto Protocol: Hot air」(Nature, 28 Nov 2012)


Biotechnology has a role in conservation, but it is not the solution to extinction. Instead, we must protect the integrity of ecosystems and their inherent dynamics.

Revived species: where will they live?」(Nature, 31 Jan 2013)


The lesson is that humans are not farsighted enough to be fooling with Mother Nature.

What the future holds depends on future human actions.

The Psst That Pierced the Sky Is Now Churning the Sea」(Science, 1 Feb 2013)


A true exploratory buzz of excitement is accompanying the discovery of more — and stranger — planets outside the Solar System.

The most eagerly pursued question in exoplanet research is that of habitability. Humans will always want to know if there is life out there in the Universe (and if so, where and in what circumstances).

Expanding spheres of interest」Nature Geoscience (Jan 2013)


Acidification is one of the larger problems associated with greenhouse gas emissions, as oceans serve as a giant sponge for carbon dioxide.

“We are encouraged that the Council has suggested communicating this issue to policy makers and the public to increase awareness and hopefully lead to solutions.”

Federal effort on acidification should focus on human impacts – report」EPOCAブログ(11 Jan 2013)


There is little doubt from our analysis that coral reefs will no longer be prominent within coastal ecosystems if global average temperatures exceed 2 ºC above the pre-industrial period.

There is little precedent for the rate and magnitude of warming in the recent geological history of corals, including the transition into the warm Eemian period.

Despite these uncertainties, the window of opportunity to save large fractions of coral reefs seems small and rapidly closing.

Limiting global warming to 2 ºC is unlikely to save most coral reefs」(Frieler et al., 2013, Nature Climate Change)