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1、新着論文 2、論文概説 3、コラム 4、本のレビュー 5、雑記(PC・研究関連)
6、気になった一文集(日本語English) 7、日記(日本語English) おまけTwilog


11th International Conference on Paleoceanography

Last week, I attended the 11th International Conference on Paleoceanography at Sitges, Spain.

Conference hall

There were so many well known, up-and-coming scientists and I was so exited to listen to their presentations!!
(In my case, J. Rae, N. Gruber, A. Cohen, A. Burke and so on. too many to count.)

They were so difficult for me to understand, but I learned a lot.

I presented a poster on paleo-oceanography and carbon cycle around equatorial Pacific during the last deglaciation.

a poster and me

Many people including top scientists and hard-working students came to see may poster, and we discussed a lot! I received many good advices and suggestion.

It was a good opportunity for me to introduce why boron isotopes (d11B)-pH proxy using fossil reef-building corals is important and unique.

Photographs bellow are another aspect of the conference. Good cuisine, hot night and pleasant music.

during ice breaking. Spanish traditional human tower.

I enjoyed lunch very much. But it was a little fatty and salty for the Japanese people.

Conference dinner was held on Tuesday night

What a magnificent architecture! 

"Paleomusicology" concert was held on Thursday night. Selected researchers showed his or her specialty.
I was so surprised because their performances were professional rather than as hobbies.

What is my specialty other than science??

Um... cooking, diving and soccer!