Main contents

1、新着論文 2、論文概説 3、コラム 4、本のレビュー 5、雑記(PC・研究関連)
6、気になった一文集(日本語English) 7、日記(日本語English) おまけTwilog


















気になった一文集(English ver. No. 29)

Regardless of any particular political target, the work can shed light on what deep decarbonization might mean for both human societies and the natural environment.

This wouldn’t staunch their use much unless all governments participated — which is hard to imagine — but in theory it could help to drive up the price of oil, gas and even coal, making renewable energies a bit more competitive.

As it stands, there is minimal evidence that humanity will commit to its maximum climate ambition, but that could change as the impacts of global warming come into better focus.

The maximum climate ambition needs a firm research backingNature 537, 585–586 (29 September 2016)


Methane is the second-largest contributor to climate radiative forcing — the change in energy trapped in the atmosphere as a result of greenhouse-gas emissions — and has a global- warming potential 28–34 times that of carbon dioxide (by equivalent mass) over a 100-year time frame. So although average atmospheric methane concentrations are about 200-fold smaller than those of CO2, understanding the causes of increases in global methane concentration is just as important as understanding those for increasing CO2 levels, to aid climate prediction and inform emissions-reduction policy.

The relatively short lifetime of methane in the atmosphere (about 12 years) means that measured global patterns of the gas’s carbon- isotope composition faithfully represent the average of recent inputs from the various sources, therefore allowing emission rates to be quantified by source type. 

However, such thermogenic emissions might currently be 60–110% higher than previous estimates, and might have been so for the past 30 years. After accounting for geological seepage, emissions attributable directly to the global fossil-fuel industry (natural gas, oil and coal production) are 20–60% higher than in current global inventories.

Second, the infrastructure for natural-gas production has become less ‘leaky’ over time, which has implications for emissions-weighted policies aimed at mitigating climate change. 

Such convergence will probably come from both directions: more-extensive sampling at sources would help to update the isotopologue database, improving box modelling; and better ambient sampling in key source regions such as the tropics would better constrain fluxes derived from flux-inversion models.

Rebalancing the global methane budgetNature 538, 46–48 (06 October 2016)


All hypotheses share the basic principle that climate affects resource richness, which, in turn, sets the ‘carrying capacity’ — the human population that can be supported in a given region. This then guides human dispersal.

Today, the Sahara and Arabian deserts form an effective barrier to faunal dispersals out of Africa. But in the past, changes in the orientation of Earth’s axis of rotation at that time invigorated the monsoonal climate and established wetter conditions in the Arabian and Sinai peninsulas, enabling migration paths out of Africa along vegetated, resource-rich corridors.

Climate and the peopling of the worldNature 538, 49–50 (06 October 2016)


Temperature thresholds have not served well in this respect. They can be useful as environmental quality objectives: science-based, long-term benchmarks for the world to aspire to. But in order to make progress in this direction, we need a set of policy targets that will inspire action.

Unfortunately, in climate policy most governments choose a more progressive stance when talking and deciding, but a more modest one when acting. The Paris Agreement itself provides a striking example: it established a 1.5 °C target while agreeing on a largely voluntary system of nationally determined contributions whose aggregated emission level would result in a temperature increase of 3 °C at best.

Wherever the new norm of zero emissions might find acceptance, all new infrastructures powered by fossil fuels would be subject to scrutiny: if the goal is to reach net zero eventually, why still build this and risk further carbon lock-in?

Of course, a zero emissions target is not immune to failure. But its main purpose would initially be to provide clear direction while not dictating a strict and detailed timetable.

On the one hand, researchers will have to accept their relatively limited role in the process of policy formulation and even more limited role in policy action. On the other hand, they should not feel pressured to make pragmatic concessions when formulating long-term environmental objectives that are worth pursuing, as happened with the 2 °C temperature target.

An actionable climate targetNature Geoscience 9, 340–342 (2016)


興味深い英語表現(No. 3)

around the clock

elbow to elbow

・pros and cons


「Who done it? 誰がやったんだ?」の略ということらしい。






・head start

・mortise and tenon

・the length and breadth of

・read the tea leaves


・Who's who

・high sea

・apples and oranges


・compare like with like


IODP Exp. 361 sampling party

I attended at the IODP Exp. 361 sampling party in this November.

Exhibition space of TAM
I arrived at the Texas A&M University after about 15 hours flights (from Nagoya to College Station via Narita and Dallas).

Almost all shipboard scientists met together again, and some shore-based scientists newly joined. 

We are separated in two groups and each group had 6 hour shift. At fist I was in the morning shift (8:00 - 14:00), and later it was changed to afternoon shift (14:00 - 20:00).

Messy sampling table

Marine sediment from South Africa was sometimes so stiff that we needed a lot of energy.

Sampling efficiency increased at first, but reached to saturation after.
We competed each other in that how many samples each group and each sampling table could obtain in the working shift.
Finally we were able to obtain 36,000 samples!!

Before of After the working shift, we went to restaurants nearby and enjoyed chatting.

Nice sunset. Everyday we went to a restaurant near the hotel for dinner or lunch.

 College Station is a city for students, so beer of some restaurants were really cheep!

My friends from around the world!!

Dinner of the last night.
I could not find any interesting place to visit by walk. But I found one good park (Bark run).

a squirrel I found in a park

The sediment samples will be shipped in the coming two weeks to each institute.
After the arrival of samples I will soon start sieving the material in order to collect foraminifers.


二枚貝の軟体部・殻への重金属の蓄積(Schöne & Krause Jr., 2016, GPC)

Retrospective environmental biomonitoring – Mussel Watch expanded
Bernd R. Schöne, Richard A. Krause Jr.
Global and Planetary Change 144, 228–251 (2016)




2. 成長線




Ca2+ + HCO3- = CaCO3 + H+
の反応によって石灰化部位が酸性的になるが、脱炭酸酵素(Carbonic unhydrase; CA)の働きで代謝産物のCO2がHCO3-に変換されるなどして過剰に酸性にならないように抑えられている




3. 二枚貝の生理と生態






4. 重金属汚染


・微量元素の濃度は年齢、微細構造でも異なる可能性があり、全岩分析(whole shell, bulk)によって標本間の比較を行う際などには解釈に注意が必要である。殻は常に同じ速度で形成されるわけではなく、ある時期のある時間に形成されるため、バイアスがかかっていることに注意が必要。




5. 続生作用







分析技術の進展は目覚ましいものだな、と感心させられるとともに、Break throughを切望する科学者側からのニーズもまた、技術向上を後押ししているのだということを実感しました。















気になった一文集(English ver. No. 28)

Food-waste reduction campaigns encourage consumers to become more aware of the extent and consequences of food waste and how adopting small, daily behavioral changes (such as checking the fridge prior to shopping) can help to tackle the problem.

Food-waste reduction efforts should not distract public attention from the fact that buying less meat—particularly red meat—is even more effective for reducing both carbon emissions and pressure on our natural resources.

A broad range of efforts are needed to move toward sustainable food security for all, and each individual consumer contributes both to the problem and the solution.

Waste not, want not, emit lessScience 352, 408–409 (22 Apr 2016) "Perspective"


The long residence time of an anthropogenic CO2 perturbation in the atmosphere, combined with the inertia of the climate system, implies that past, current, and future emissions commit the planet to long-term, irreversible climate change. As a result, many key features of future climate change are relatively certain in the long term, even if the precise timing of their occurrence is uncertain.

This long-term view shows that the next few decades offer a brief window of opportunity to minimize large-scale and potentially catastrophic climate change that will extend longer than the entire history of human civilization thus far. Policy decisions made during this window are likely to result in changes to Earth’s climate system measured in millennia rather than human lifespans, with associated socioeconomic and ecological impacts that will exacerbate the risks and damages to society and ecosystems that are projected for the twenty-first century and propagate into the future for many thousands of years.

(…) even if carbon emissions are stabilized or reduced, atmospheric CO2 concentrations and surface temperatures would remain high and sea level would continue to increase for millennia.

Model projections based on the RCPs and each of the four emission scenarios shown in Fig. 1 indicate that twenty-first century global average warming will substantially exceed even the warmest Holocene conditions, producing a climate state not previously experienced by human civilizations.

Consequences of twenty-first-century policy for multi-millennial climate and sea-level change」Clark et al., 2016, Nature Climate Change "Perspective"


It is natural to view the changes at this northernmost point in Antarctica as part of the inexorable southward march of anthropogenic climate change.

the oft-heard claim that the peninsula is the fastest-warming place on Earth is accurate only during the winter, as recorded at the Faraday/Vernadsky station on the west coast.

Although recent changes in the peninsula’s climate have been large, the natural decadal-scale variability is also large, making short-term fluctuations inherently unpredictable even in the presence of strong forcing.

This, combined with the large magnitude of natural variability, suggests that anthropogenic climate change may not be unambiguously detectable in Antarctica for several more decades.

Looking at surface-air temperatures13 collected for more than 60 years, the long-term trend is one of warming.

Cooling in the AntarcticNature 535, 358–359 (21 July 2016) "News & Views"


(...) to complicate matters further, species’ climate sensitivity is not fixed. The phenological mismatches lead to selection on the timing of phenological events. And, because phenology is often heritable, this leads to genetic change in sensitivity.

Interactions of climate change and speciesNature 535, 236–237 (14 July 2016) "News & Views"


If cheap oil becomes the new normal, there may be no price constraint to prevent burning of the remaining underground oil and gas resources. In such a world, carbon emissions could continue to grow, and temperatures may rise to significant levels if no action is taken.

They find that long-term oil prices have a significant impact on cumulative emissions: low oil prices hamper climate mitigation action whereas high oil prices boost it.

Cheap oil slows climate mitigationNature Climate Change 6, 660–661 (2016)  "News & Views"


Haumann and colleagues’ findings emphasize that Antarctic sea ice is not merely a passive indicator of climate change and variability, but also a driver of changes in the climate system. Through its potential influence on ocean stratification and CO2 uptake, sea ice might have a bigger role than previously thought.

Southern Ocean freshened by sea iceNature 537, 40–41 (01 September 2016) "News & Views"


The question is not whether Arctic changes are affecting mid-latitudes but rather how and by how much. Framing studies in this way will avoid polarization and aid progress. It is encouraging to see recent collaborations between scientists from what might be considered opposing camps; this sort of productive interaction will move the science, and with it the public discourse, forward.

Effects of a warming ArcticScience 353, 989-990 (02 Sep 2016) "Perspective"


Different phytoplankton groups have evolved various physiological strategies that allow them to thrive in marine environments ranging from freezing, nutrient-rich polar waters to warm, nutrient-poor subtropical ocean deserts.

Few long-term time series of pelagic phytoplankton community composition exist, because phytoplankton sampling is costly and laborious and many ocean regions are vast and remote. Laboratory studies often focus on monocultures of a few strains and thus cannot fully capture ecosystem responses, in which physiological changes at the individual level are inextricably linked to changes in the relative fitness of different taxa in a changing environment.

(...) but global warming and ocean acidification may well act in concert to restructure future Pacific phytoplankton communities.

Adrift in an ocean of changeScience 350, 1466-1468 (18 Dec 2015) "Perspective"


Image Jでシマシマを数える・間隔を計測する

もともとはDNA分析(電気泳動によるDNAの明暗バンドの計数)のために開発されたという無料ソフトウエアImage J

Image Jを使うと写真データからシマシマの間隔を計測し、数値データにすることができる。

私自身が使ったのは貝殻の成長線解析。最近書いた論文はこちら(ちゃんと論文にもImage Jを使ったことを記載しました)。





















G. ruber

G. sacculifer

















最深で20 mの地点でコアを採取しています。






















気になった一文集(English ver. No. 27)

We know that any deal emerging from the Paris conference will not solve the problem. Even if nations follow through on the climate pledges that have been made so far, global emissions are projected to rise until at least 2030, and temperatures could reach 2 °C above pre-industrial levels as early as 2032. The UN has set the goal of limiting any rise to 2 °C, but even this increase would not protect the world’s most vulnerable citizens from rising tides, extreme weather and shifting precipitation patterns.

If humans want to keep living on a planet that looks, feels and functions like the one we live on now, it is time to sign an agreement and get to work.

The way forward is through ParisNature 527, 409 (26 November 2015)


A reasonable chance of attaining 2 °C translates to a finite global carbon budget of about 900 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide from 2015 onward that must be shared in a fair way between all nations.

Renewable energy systems compete even at low oil prices, which in turn closes the door on unconventional, expensive oil, such as offshore oil and exploitation in difficult environments such as the Arctic.

We need an agreement that is good enough to tip the world decisively towards rapid decarbonization. A new treaty does not need to force nations into compliance, but rather should create confidence and send the right signal — to investors, businesses and societies at large — that the global political leadership is turning irrevocably towards a new sustainable era.

To meet the 2 °C limit, the world must cut carbon emissions at about 6% per year.

A ‘perfect’ agreement in Paris is not essentialNature 527, 411 (26 November 2015)


The analysis also showed that with warmer waters or increased acidification or both, there would be deleterious impacts on habitat-forming species for example coral, oysters and mussels. Any slight change in the health of habitats would have a broad impact on a wide range of species these reefs harbour.

Global marine analysis suggests food chain collapse」The University of Adelaide NEWS & EVENTS (13 Oct 2015)


The close correspondence between CO2 concentrations and major events in human history points to the fact that the world’s socioeconomic system left its mark on atmospheric CO2 concentrations centuries before the industrial revolution.

To what extent the fluctuations were caused by climatic variations or human activities continues to elude us.

Holocene carbon cycle: Climate or humans?Nature Geoscience 8, 335–336 (2015)


The ocean acidification community has done this well in a remarkably short time; the oxygen community has yet to step forward as a unified voice across all ocean realms.

Linking coasts and seas toaddress ocean deoxygenationNature Climate Change 5, 401–403 (2015)


Although most of the past emissions have come from wealthy nations, the bulk of those in the future will come from developing countries. Scientists have made it abundantly clear that every country must do everything that it can, and as fast as it can, if the world is to prevent the worst consequences of global warming.

Although countries agreed to engage in this new process, any action that they take to reduce emissions is on a purely voluntary basis. 

A seismic shiftNature 528, 307 (17 December 2015) ”EDITORIAL”


Climate change is a serious challenge because the atmosphere gives a free ride to countries that emit. If some nations sit back and rely on others’ efforts, the incentives for anyone to act are weakened.

Price carbon — I will if you willNature 526, 315–316 (15 October 2015) “COMMENT”


Any realistic pathway to a 1.5 °C world will probably require an initial overshoot beyond the temperature target and the subsequent removal of significant amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, which may turn out to be unfeasible.
1.5 °C温暖化した世界へのいかなる現実な道筋も、はじめは地表気温が1.5 °Cを上回り、その後かなりの量の二酸化炭素を大気から除去すること(を通じて気温を下げること)を必要とするであろうが、それは実現可能性がかなり低いことがのちのち分かるだろう。

The risks for most impacts will be discernibly higher in a 2 °C world than at half a degree less.
2 °C温暖化が招く影響のリスクは1.5 °C温暖化によるものに比べ、目に見えて高いだろう。

An impossible task?Nature Geoscience 9, 181 (2016) “Editorial”


The climatic changes during the PETM occurred over longer time scales than those of anthropogenic climate change. The impacts of the latter may thus be even more severe.

However, the initial CO2 rise during the PETM took place over the course of a few millennia, about a factor of 10 slower than if humans burned the remaining fossil-fuel resources under a business-as-usual scenario.

What is clear, however, is that the large release of CO2 during the PETM transformed conditions on land and in the ocean in ways that affected the Earth system for more than 100,000 years and that might be considered catastrophic by many people today.

A heated mirror for future climateScience 352, 151–152 (08 Apr 2016)


Peer review is the backbone of modern science, and academic researchers are expected to participate in the endeavour. Although time consuming, delving deeply into someone else's paper can benefit a scientist's own work. The process allows peer reviewers to read about research before it is generally known and to gain insight into how other scientists write manuscripts and present data.

“Not only will it help you to hone your power of judgement,” she says, “but it is also a great way to broaden your knowledge and demonstrate transferable skills for offering an authoritative view to your peers”.

Peer review: Close inspectionNature 533, 279–281 (12 May 2016)


End of X

We finally decided to finish coring operations in the last site, CAPE.
All laboratory are ready to be closed after cleaning up and returning the things as they were.

Shipboard scientist must keep in shift, until 6:00h on 31 March, and we will leave the JR at 9:00h.
We will go to the hotel together by bus, and that is the end of all activities of the ex[edition.
After that, we are free!

I'm planing to enjoy sight-seeing in the Cape Town, but first of all, I need good beer!

It will be a long day, because I must keep awake for about 20 hours until I go to bed in the hotel.
We have the right to enjoy the party, because 2 month long cruise will finally end.

This is the last diary that I write in English (and from the JR).
I will post a blog about my first experience of IODP cruise, after I come back to Japan, will will be written in Japanese. I hope it will help young scientists who have interests in joining the IODP expedition in the future.


Sampling plan

We  are now in the proximity of the last coring site, CAPE. It is located in the continental shelf offshore of the Cape Town Port.
We stay the last site for a couple of days and get off the ship on 31 Mar 10:00h.

We have finished writing summary of previous three sites and presentations (MZC, ZAM, and LIM).
An introduction of how to sample the sediment core was explained by core curator and we must fill in a special forms before the arrival at Cape Town.
Our sediment cores will be transported to Texas Univ. and later we gather there again for the sampling party, which is planned be held at the end of September this year.
We will stay Texas Core Repository for one week (perhaps), and allocate the sediment according to everyone's request (e.g., 10 cc sample from the top 3cm in Site1474, Working half, Hole A, Core 3, Section 1).

I guess that some of the cores obtained at the last site will be stored without split and being described. The first core on deck will be 6 hours later from now.
It takes several hours to make sediment core at room temperature, so the first core will be described by daytime shifters (I'm in a night shift).

It was long, long two months. I want to take a rest for a while but I must attend at an international meeting held at Hongo Campus (Isoecol) after just "one-day" off.
My Brazilian and French friends said that they will take a vacation after the expedition for 1 month and 1 week, respectively. I realized that cultures and employing systems are completely different among countries.

But, anyway, good beer and wine are waiting for me on land!


Sand and foram

We finished drilling 5th site, Limpopo River.
The sediment was accumulated in a moderate rate and we could reach to Late Miocene.
The sediment contain amazing number of foraminifers. It will be a great paleoceanographic record that we will make during the post-cruise phase.

However, Sedimentation pattern of this site is quite complex, so we concern about sediment drift. Chronology will be the most important issue when we discuss the isotopic and paleontological records obtained from this core.

Now we are heading for the last drilling site, Cape Town. But we have not yet finished describing the sediment from Limpopo as well as that from Mozambique Chanel sediment.
At the same time, we have to think about our post-cruise research and discuss with a lot of people about sampling strategy or potential collaboration.


Great Zambezi River

We arrived at 4th drilling site, near the mouth of Zambezi River.

The water depth is only 400 m, so the coring process is so fast! We obtain a new core every 15 minutes! We arrived here yesterday but have already drilled two holes.
We are describing cores while writing the site report of the previous site.

Sedimentation rate of this site is amazingly high, which is about 1 meter per thousand years (1 m/ka). It is about 30 times faster than the pelagic site (2,000 m water depth).
Main composition of the sediment is quartz and clay minerals transported by Zambezi River. We can also see some remains of plants (e.g., fragments of trees and leaves).

I have never seen riverine sediment cores, thus I enjoy seeing a lot variety of minerals originated from the continent (e.g., zircon and hornblende)
More than 95% pf sediment is consist of terrigenous materials and biogenic ones such as foraminifera, coccolithophore, and diatoms are very rare.

I miss forams so much...

Soon after we finish drilling the 3rd hole, we will leave for the next drilling site, Limpopo River. It takes only 2 days from here to the next site, thus we again will be busy preparing for presentation and writing the site summary.


Mozambique Chanel

We arrived at the 3rd drilling site, Mozambique Chanel.

This area was before drilled under the DSDP cruise (Site 252) and the drilled core is archived in Kochi Core Center.
We expect that we can obtain well-preserved pelagic sediments covering Plio-Pleistocene. Sedimentation is not so high that we will easily get to Pliocene/Miocene boundary.

The sea is covered with a lot of eddies due to complex ocean current systems and characteristic geography, but wave is somewhat calm. I can feel almost no movement of the ship.

After the arrival of the first core, we will spend very busy three weeks until the port call.
We will have to describe sediment cores while preparing for site summary, and then transit to the next site.

I hope I can see a lot of planktonic foraminifers in the sediments that will be used for isotopic measurements during post-cruise moratorium period.

ETA of the first core is when I'm dreaming in the bed today.


Heading north

We are now heading north, the northernmost site of our cruise, Mozambique Channel.

We nearly gave up the drilling at the site, but finally we obtained the permission of drilling!

We are now preparing for reports of previous site, Agluhas Plateau. It still have additional four days until we get to the Mozambique Chanel, so we enjoy the subtropical weather in outdoor bench.

A beautiful sunrise (I have not seen the sunset for one month)

A relax time in picnic table

After the arrival to Mozambique Chanel, we will drill additional three site. Thus, it will be deadly busy in the coming three weeks!

As the remained drilling sites are generally shallow (< 1,000 m), we will get sediment cores one after another.


End of Hole (APT Site)

We drilled 6 holes at APT Site, Agluhas Plateau, and at last left the site.
The weather was fine for the first couple of days but tuned bad later. The weather affected the quality of sediment cores, because ship movements sometimes destroy cores that is ready to be drilled.

Unfortunately, we could not obtain the complete splice core at this site, but could obtain plenty of sediment that is well-preserved.

Foraminifers' shells, of which I have the greatest interest, are abundant in the sediment. Moreover, I enjoyed seeing a lot of diatoms, radiolaria, and variety of minerals in smear slides.
Agulhas Plateau is a sensitive region to past environmental changes, because degree of Agulhas Leakage changed periodically in glacial - interglacial climate changes.
After the expedition I will pick up the forams and measure trace element and isotopes of them. The other day I gave a help to micro-paleontological group, and realized washing, sieving, and picking processes are so hard!

Today is a leap day as well as a half way of the expedition! Thus we call the day as "lump day (leap + hump)". A midnight dance party are now being held. Everyone is dancing in the loud music.

The next coring site has not been decided yet (hopefully, ZAM site), but we are heading north.


過去の風の変動を復元する(Jacobel et al., 2016, Ncom)

Large deglacial shifts of the Pacific Intertropical Convergence Zone
A.W. Jacobel, J.F. McManus, R.F. Anderson & G. Winckler
Nature Communications 7:10449, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms10449 (2016)



To the next coring site

We finished describing all cores recovered from the first site, Natal Valley. We are now preparing for site reports. Presentation of all sub-group finished yesterday.

The ship are heading south for the second site, Agluhas Plateau, which is the southernmost site of this expedition.

We hope continuous pelagic sediment are recovered from the next site, which will change periodically between subtropical (e.g., forams and cocoliths) and subpolar lithologies (e.g., diatoms).
It means sedimentologist group will be very busy describing cores.


I go to the gym at least once every two days. My favorites are running machine and weight lifting.

Sometimes I keep my dinner wrapped, and ate them after training.

At the moment , I keep my body style.


The first core

Yesterday, we finished drilling sediment cores at the first core site, Natal Valley.

It was so exciting to see how the drilling device are combined and how coring operation are conducted.

The lithology of the core looks similar to all depth (about 300 m were drilled with almost 100% recovery), so descriptions of the core and smear slide observation is quite simple. Foraminifer shells, that I hope to obtain, are abundant in the sediment, but core disturbances are severe.

Now we are drilling the second core in the same site. As there is no large changes in lithology, it is dull to describe all cores again!

But this procedure is important because both end of cores (upper and lower parts) are generally destroyed and we must splice it with the adjacent cores (Hole B, C etc.).

It takes long time for my body to adopt to irregular rhythm of life in the ship (wake up at 23:00 and sleep at 15:00).

I can not sleep well in the bed although I go to gym every two days for running and training my muscle.

Food in the ship is so nice that I can hardly become fed up with.

We will stay at this site in at least 5 days. We are looking for something interesting and stimulating!

Smear Slide Observation

Sediment core description


氷期の大気中CO2濃度、生物生産、鉄の関わり(Costa et al., Jaccord et al., 2016, Nature)

No iron fertilization in the equatorial Pacific Ocean during the last ice age
K. M. Costa, J. F. McManus, R. F. Anderson, H. Ren, D. M. Sigman, G. Winckler, M. Q. Fleisher, F. Marcantonio & A. C. Ravelo
Nature 529, 519–522 (28 January 2016)

Covariation of deep Southern Ocean oxygenation and atmospheric CO2 through the last ice age
Samuel L. Jaccard, Eric D. Galbraith, Alfredo Martínez-García & Robert F. Anderson
Nature (2016) doi:10.1038/nature16514

JOIDES Resolution@インド洋南西部の甲板より。視線の先にJaccordらが得た堆積物の採取地が


From South of Madagascar

Now we are heading for first core site, Natal Valley. We revised the drilling plan because of some diplomatic issue.
There are often piracy in the north of Madagascar Island, thus we are now going in the southern course.

Currently we are discussing how to describe the splitted core, how to handle them, and how to write the report.

It is two days left until we arrive at the first core site. We must make ourselves fitted to day/night shift until the arrival. I'm in a night shift, so I will wake up in the mid-night and go to bed in the afternoon.

I have a really good friendship with members of this expedition, and enjoy a conversation with them so much! We are the family because we will spend dense two months together and our relationship will last for a couple of decades after this expedition, too.
JOIDES Resolution

A sign we found in the town of Port Louis!

Safety emergency drill

A magnificent sunset seen from the JR

A beautiful rainbow when we leave the port

A tag boat pull the JR during the departure


International community

I've got on board the US drilling ship JOIDES Resolution that is staying in Port Louis.

The inside of the ship is so clean and faculty members and staffs are very kind.

I really enjoy the meals here, and sometimes go to restaurant in waterfront area.

Scientific party is very international, and people come from US, Japan, Germany, UK, France, Australia, Brazil, China, and so on. My room mate is French.
I enjoy talking with new international friends, although I don't remember their names yet. The contents of the talk are mainly on science and culture of our own countries.

No one can properly pronounce/remember either Kaoru or Kubota, thus I will tell them "Just call me K".

Dr. K. 

It's a good name because there is a famous character in Japanese comic named Dr. K.
By the way, KUBOTA is popular in Japan owing to famous agricultural company and sake.

We share the cabin by two people in the ship, because a working shift is separated by day/night.
My shit is decided to be night shift. I will work from 0:00 to 12:00 every day. Thus I planed my life schedule as follows,

23:00 wake up

23:20 breakfast

0:00 the shift start

6:00 lunch

12:00 the shift end

12:20 dinner

13:00 training at gym

15:00 go to bed

It is very funny schedule. But considering a jet lug between here and Japan, it is very regular.
Thus, I may not suffer from the jet lug so much after I come back to Japan.


IODP Exp.361 "Southern African Climates (SAFARI)"

I will join the IODP Exp.361 "Southern African Climates (SAFARI)" as a sedimentologist.

Today I leave Haneda International Airport (Japan) for Mauritius via Dubai.
(By the way, today is my 29th birthday.)

A drilling ship, JOIDES Resolution is waiting for cruise members in Port Louis already. And it is surprised that R/V Hakuho-maru, a research ship owned by The Univ. Tokyo, also is staying in the same place!

It is for the first time for me to see African Continent, Madagascar Island, coral reefs in Mauritius! So I'm so excited.

In this expedition, I'm going to obtain planktonic foraminifers' samples preserved in the sediment in the southeastern Africa and measure boron isotopes of their shells.
I hope we can get plenty, well-preserved samples, and there is no conflicts between scientists.

We will leave ship at Cape town, Republic of South Africa  after about two month operation in the sea.

I will return to Japan on 2nd April. During the expedition I have to prepare a presentation at a scientific conference that will be held from 3rd April!

Additionally, I will revise two manuscript of scientific papers (one was now under the review and the other will be submitted soon).

Ah, I wanna forget about them because I have to work 12 hours a day without holiday two month.

Bellow are details of the expedition.

Press release from JAMSTEC
Details of the expedition from Texas A&M University




▶︎ 海洋酸性化の現状(レビュー)
▶︎ 海洋酸性化とサンゴ礁生態系への影響
▶︎ 海洋酸性化の現状(海洋化学の視点から)
▶︎ 「海洋酸性化の生物多様性への影響の報告書」日本語版要約
▶︎ 「海洋酸性化の生物多様性への影響の報告書」一部訳(深海・造礁サンゴに対する海洋酸性化の影響)
