Earth and Planetary Science Letters
Holocene glacial discharge fluctuations and recent instability in East Antarctica
Julien Crespin , Ruth Yam , Xavier Crosta , Guillaume Massé , Sabine Schmidt , Philippine Campagne , Aldo Shemesh
東南極氷床のAdélie LandとGeorge V Landの沖から得られた堆積物コア中の珪藻の酸素同位体(δ18Odiatom)をもとに過去11kaの氷河の変動を復元。数百年の周期で変動していることが確認された。最近では1.7kaとAD1980に大きな後退が起きていた。
Assessing influences on speleothem dead carbon variability over the Holocene: Implications for speleothem-based radiocarbon calibration
Alexandra L. Noronha , Kathleen R. Johnson , Chaoyong Hu , Jiaoyang Ruan , John R. Southon , Julie E. Ferguson
中国Heshang洞窟にて採取された鍾乳石の14C・U/Th年代測定から過去10kaのdead carbonの寄与(DCP)の変動を復元し、δ18Oから得られている過去の降水量の記録と比較。完新世中期(5.5–7.1 ka)には気候が湿潤な状態になったことで炭酸塩の溶解がより閉鎖系となっており、DCPは増加していた。逆に8.2kaの乾燥化イベントの際にはDCPは減少していた。
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
A first transect of 236U in the North Atlantic Ocean
N. Casacuberta , M. Christl , J. Lachner , M. Rutgers van der Loeff , P. Masqué , H.-A. Synal
Christl M., Lachner J., Vockenhuber C., Lechtenfeld O., Stimac I., van der Loeff M. R. and Synal H.-A. (2012) A depth profile of uranium-236 in the Atlantic Ocean. Geochim. Cosmochim. Ac. 77, 98–107.
Quaternary Science Reviews
Retreat of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet from the western Amundsen Sea shelf at a pre- or early LGM stage
J.P. Klages , G. Kuhn , C.-D. Hillenbrand , A.G.C. Graham , J.A. Smith , R.D. Larter , K. Gohl , L. Wacker
西南極氷床のHobbs Coast沖の海洋地震波探査からLGMにおける氷床縁辺の安定性や時間変動を議論。もっとも拡大していたのは20.88ka以前であったと考えられ、LGM(23-19 ka)においてもすでに後退が始まっていたことを示唆している。また近傍のサイトでも整合的な結果が得られている。これらの知見は、「西南極氷床の後退(deglaciation)が19kaに同時に始まった」とする仮説に反するものである。
Quaternary Research
A late Holocene paleoenvironmental reconstruction from Agua Caliente, southern Belize, linked to regional climate variability and cultural change at the Maya polity of Uxbenká
Megan K. Walsh , Keith M. Prufer , Brendan J. Culleton , Douglas J. Kennett
Quaternary International
Potential of pollen and non-pollen palynomorph records from Tso Moriri (Trans-Himalaya, NW India) for reconstructing Holocene limnology and human–environmental interactions
Christian Leipe , Dieter Demske , Pavel E. Tarasov , Bernd Wünnemann , Frank Riedel
インド北西部のTso Moriri湖から得られた堆積物コアの花粉分析から過去12kaの環境変動(自然変動+人間の生活の影響)を復元。11.5-4.5kaには淡水の流入量が増加しており、Sutlej川を通じて下流のインダス文明にも大量の水を供給していたと思われる。4.5-1.8kaには淡水の流入量が最低の値を示し(乾燥化)、流れ出しは著しく減少したか、或いは停止していたかもしれない。こうした水循環の変化がインダス文明の盛衰と関連していた可能性がある。
Use of 10Be to Predict Atmospheric 14C Variations during the Laschamp Excursion: High Sensitivity to Cosmogenic Isotope Production Calculations
Alexandre Cauquoin, Grant Raisbeck, Jean Jouzel, Didier Paillard
NGRIP-GRIPから得られている10Be記録からLaschamp excursion時(45-38 ka)のΔ14Cを推定。10Beから宇宙線量を推定し、宇宙線量からΔ14Cを推定する。ただし、計算の仕方によって復元されるΔ14Cに大きな食い違いが見られている。
Decadal Variations in Oceanic Properties of the Arabian Sea Water Column since GEOSECS
Ravi Bhushan, Koushik Dutta, Rajesh Agnihotri, R Rengarajan, Satinder Pal Singh
AD1977-1978年にGEOSECSが測定したアラビア海〜インド洋の観測地を1994-1998年に再度訪れ、その間の地球化学的特性(溶存酸素、栄養塩濃度、DIC、Δ14Cなど)の変化を報告。表層400mのSSSに大きな変化が見られ、蒸発-降水のバランスが変化したものと思われる。DICは1,200m深全体で平均して8 μmol/Kg増加していた。表層のΔ14Cは徐々に減少する一方で、亜表層のΔ14Cは徐々に増加していた(核実験由来の14Cの拡散)。
氷期における”鉄肥沃”仮説を支持する堆積物記録(Martínez-García et al., 2014, Science)
Iron Fertilization of the Subantarctic Ocean During the Last Ice Age
Alfredo Martínez-García, Daniel M. Sigman, Haojia Ren, Robert F. Anderson, Marietta Straub, David A. Hodell, Samuel L. Jaccard, Timothy I. Eglinton, Gerald H. Haug
Alfredo Martínez-García, Daniel M. Sigman, Haojia Ren, Robert F. Anderson, Marietta Straub, David A. Hodell, Samuel L. Jaccard, Timothy I. Eglinton, Gerald H. Haug
Science 343, 1347-1350 (21 March 2014)
大西洋セクターの南大洋で得られた堆積物コア(ODP Site 1090)中の浮遊性有孔虫(G. Bulloides)の殻のδ15N分析から、氷期に栄養塩利用効率が増加しており、生物一次生産が強化していた可能性が示唆。同時にダスト性の鉄や種々の生物源沈降粒子のフラックスが増加していることから”鉄肥沃”仮説を裏付ける証拠として提示。鉄肥沃だけで40ppmに相当する大気中CO2濃度低下に寄与したことを示唆。また氷期の千年スケールの気候変動(と大気中CO2濃度の変動)においても鉄肥沃が関与していたことを示唆。
大西洋セクターの南大洋で得られた堆積物コア(ODP Site 1090)中の浮遊性有孔虫(G. Bulloides)の殻のδ15N分析から、氷期に栄養塩利用効率が増加しており、生物一次生産が強化していた可能性が示唆。同時にダスト性の鉄や種々の生物源沈降粒子のフラックスが増加していることから”鉄肥沃”仮説を裏付ける証拠として提示。鉄肥沃だけで40ppmに相当する大気中CO2濃度低下に寄与したことを示唆。また氷期の千年スケールの気候変動(と大気中CO2濃度の変動)においても鉄肥沃が関与していたことを示唆。
気になった一文集(English ver. No. 20)
The physics through which greenhouse gases warm the atmosphere is well understood. However, feedbacks within the atmosphere can enhance or reduce this warming, and the magnitudes of those feedbacks, particularly those associated with clouds, are much more uncertain.
Despite substantial progress in determining observational constraints for future global-mean warming, the uncertainty range in the estimated contribution of greenhouse gases to the observed global-mean warming is still quite large at 0.5 to 1.3°C. A large part of this uncertainty results from difficulties in distinguishing the effects of greenhouse gas-induced warming from other effects, particularly the cooling effect of tropospheric aerosols.
Better observational information, including from satellite data and further back in time from digitization of old weather records, will improve understanding of regional climate change and climate variability.
There is little doubt that human activities were the main cause of global warming over the past 60 years, but work to better understand the causes of changes in regional climate, and thereby better understand our vulnerability to climate extremes, is far from done.
「From Past to Future Warming」Science 343, 844-845
If indeed the tropical Pacific is central to the current hiatus, then it may take a while until the Pacific shifts into a warm state and global surface temperatures resume their upward trend.
The question of what drives decadal changes in the Pacific, as well as their predictability, takes on new urgency in the context of the current hiatus.
Looking back into the past may help to unravel the role of the Pacific Ocean in modulating changes in global mean surface temperature.
Proxies for past climatic conditions— for example, from corals or tree rings—can also provide more observations of decadal-scale shifts in the tropical Pacific climate and help to determine how well climate models simulate the range of variability of the preindustrial climate.
To increase the accuracy of ocean heat content estimates, it is critical that observational capability in the ocean, including arrays of autonomous profiling floats and tropical moorings, is maintained and expanded.
Greenhouse gases are warming the planet, and will continue to do so. Developing a framework for measuring and attributing subtle variations in the global energy budget—from the top of the atmosphere to the depths of the ocean— is one of the outstanding challenges.
「The Tropical Pacific Ocean−−Back in the Driver's Seat?」Science 343, 976-978.
As Ward explains, whilst reducing uncertainty is a key research question, it should not be the starting point in communication.
But communication does not work if it is not tailored to the targeted audience — in this case the general public. And addressing the public is an ongoing job scientists should proactively take on.
「Scientist communicators」Nature Climate Change 4, 149 (2014)
We live in interesting times as we watch diverse effects of human activities on Earth’s climate emerge from natural variability.
Basing decisions on predictions of forced climate change is formally analogous to using knowledge of the normal climatological seasonal cycle to inform vacation plans, ignoring any weather predictions.
「Simplicity amid Complexity」Science 343, 1206-1207 (14 March 2014). "Perspective"
There is clearly much to learn about the interplay of various factors that have collectively caused the remarkable slow-down in global average surface warming. At the same time, it is important to keep in mind that this particular indicator of climate change — useful as it may be as an abstract, integrated measure — has little direct impact on human lives.
However, in the course of this pursuit we must not lose sight of the more complicated expressions of climate change — for example, on continental or smaller spatial scales, in variables other than surface temperature, and in terms of extremes around the average.
「Hiatus in context」Nature Geoscience 7, 157 (2014). "Editorial"
Despite substantial progress in determining observational constraints for future global-mean warming, the uncertainty range in the estimated contribution of greenhouse gases to the observed global-mean warming is still quite large at 0.5 to 1.3°C. A large part of this uncertainty results from difficulties in distinguishing the effects of greenhouse gas-induced warming from other effects, particularly the cooling effect of tropospheric aerosols.
Better observational information, including from satellite data and further back in time from digitization of old weather records, will improve understanding of regional climate change and climate variability.
There is little doubt that human activities were the main cause of global warming over the past 60 years, but work to better understand the causes of changes in regional climate, and thereby better understand our vulnerability to climate extremes, is far from done.
「From Past to Future Warming」Science 343, 844-845
If indeed the tropical Pacific is central to the current hiatus, then it may take a while until the Pacific shifts into a warm state and global surface temperatures resume their upward trend.
The question of what drives decadal changes in the Pacific, as well as their predictability, takes on new urgency in the context of the current hiatus.
Looking back into the past may help to unravel the role of the Pacific Ocean in modulating changes in global mean surface temperature.
Proxies for past climatic conditions— for example, from corals or tree rings—can also provide more observations of decadal-scale shifts in the tropical Pacific climate and help to determine how well climate models simulate the range of variability of the preindustrial climate.
To increase the accuracy of ocean heat content estimates, it is critical that observational capability in the ocean, including arrays of autonomous profiling floats and tropical moorings, is maintained and expanded.
Greenhouse gases are warming the planet, and will continue to do so. Developing a framework for measuring and attributing subtle variations in the global energy budget—from the top of the atmosphere to the depths of the ocean— is one of the outstanding challenges.
「The Tropical Pacific Ocean−−Back in the Driver's Seat?」Science 343, 976-978.
As Ward explains, whilst reducing uncertainty is a key research question, it should not be the starting point in communication.
But communication does not work if it is not tailored to the targeted audience — in this case the general public. And addressing the public is an ongoing job scientists should proactively take on.
「Scientist communicators」Nature Climate Change 4, 149 (2014)
We live in interesting times as we watch diverse effects of human activities on Earth’s climate emerge from natural variability.
Basing decisions on predictions of forced climate change is formally analogous to using knowledge of the normal climatological seasonal cycle to inform vacation plans, ignoring any weather predictions.
「Simplicity amid Complexity」Science 343, 1206-1207 (14 March 2014). "Perspective"
There is clearly much to learn about the interplay of various factors that have collectively caused the remarkable slow-down in global average surface warming. At the same time, it is important to keep in mind that this particular indicator of climate change — useful as it may be as an abstract, integrated measure — has little direct impact on human lives.
However, in the course of this pursuit we must not lose sight of the more complicated expressions of climate change — for example, on continental or smaller spatial scales, in variables other than surface temperature, and in terms of extremes around the average.
「Hiatus in context」Nature Geoscience 7, 157 (2014). "Editorial"
“data without models are chaos, but models without data are fantasy.” Spatially and temporally, better measurement is essential to identify and quantify methane sources, but long-term data gathering is in trouble. Despite methane’s attractiveness as a cost-effective greenhouse reduction target, budgets for greenhouse gas monitoring are contracting. Somewhere, perhaps in the tropics or East Asia, unwelcome methane surprises may lurk, but watchers are few.
「Methane on the Rise—Again」Science 343, 493-495 (31 January 2014). "Perspective"
“data without models are chaos, but models without data are fantasy.” Spatially and temporally, better measurement is essential to identify and quantify methane sources, but long-term data gathering is in trouble. Despite methane’s attractiveness as a cost-effective greenhouse reduction target, budgets for greenhouse gas monitoring are contracting. Somewhere, perhaps in the tropics or East Asia, unwelcome methane surprises may lurk, but watchers are few.
「Methane on the Rise—Again」Science 343, 493-495 (31 January 2014). "Perspective"
赤道太平洋の海洋酸性化が初めて報告(Sutton et al., 2014, GBC)
Natural variability and anthropogenic change in equatorial Pacific surface ocean pCO2 and pH
Adrienne J. Sutton, Richard A. Feely, Christopher L. Sabine, Michael J. McPhaden, Taro Takahashi, Francisco P. Chavez, Gernot E. Friederich, Jeremy T. Mathis
Adrienne J. Sutton, Richard A. Feely, Christopher L. Sabine, Michael J. McPhaden, Taro Takahashi, Francisco P. Chavez, Gernot E. Friederich, Jeremy T. Mathis
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 28, doi:10.1002/2013GB004679 (2014).
投稿 (Atom)