Main contents

1、新着論文 2、論文概説 3、コラム 4、本のレビュー 5、雑記(PC・研究関連)
6、気になった一文集(日本語English) 7、日記(日本語English) おまけTwilog



ウォーレス・ブロッカー(川幡穂高ほか 訳)
BLUE BACKS 2013年(¥860)

THE GREAT OCEAN CONVEYOR: Discovering the Trigger for Abrupt Climate Change
Wally Broecker
Prinston University Press, 2010

東大大気海洋研究所・川幡穂高 教授とその院生たちが訳した、海洋地球化学の父と言っても差し支えないであろう、W. Broeckerの最近の著書。

W. Broeckerがその発見の立役者となった、大西洋子午面循環をはじめとする全球の熱塩循環と第四紀の気候変動との関わりが、自身の研究者人生を交えて、他の研究者による発見とともに回想的に語られている。


ブライアン・フェイガン(東郷えりか 訳)




新着論文(EPSL, GCA, QSR)

Earth and Planetary Science Letters
Prolonged monsoon droughts and links to Indo-Pacific warm pool: A Holocene record from Lonar Lake, central India
Sushma Prasad , A. Anoop , N. Riedel , S. Sarkar , P. Menzel , N. Basavaiah , R. Krishnan , D. Fuller , B. Plessen , B. Gaye , U. Röhl , H. Wilkes , D. Sachse , R. Sawant , M.G. Wiesner , M. Stebich
インド中央部のロナール湖(Lonar Lake)から得られた堆積物コアを用いて過去10kaの環境変動を復元。4.3-3.9ka、2.0-0.6kaに大きな干ばつがあった可能性が示唆。西赤道太平洋暖水域の温暖化とハドレー循環への影響が原因?また古代人の移動との関係性も議論。

Biogeography in 231Pa/230Th ratios and a balanced 231Pa budget for the Pacific Ocean
Christopher T. Hayes , Robert F. Anderson , Martin Q. Fleisher , Sascha Serno , Gisela Winckler , Rainer Gersonde

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
Li/Mg Systematics in Scleractinian Corals: Calibration of the Thermometer
Paolo Montagna , Malcolm McCulloch , Eric Douville , Matthias López Correa , Julie Trotter , Riccardo Rodolfo-Metalpa , Delphine Dissard , Christine Ferrier-Pagès , Norbert Frank , André Freiwald , Steve Goldstein , Claudio Mazzoli , Stephanie Reynaud , Andres Rüggeberg , Simone Russo , Marco Taviani

Characterizing oxygen isotope variability and host water relation of modern and subfossil aquatic mosses
Jiayun Zhu , Andreas Lücke , Holger Wissel , Christoph Mayr , Christian Ohlendorf , Bernd Zolitschka
パタゴニアから得られた水コケ(aquatic mosses)のセルロースのδ18Oやコケ由来の有機物のδ18Oが水のδ18Oを反映していることを示唆。

Quaternary Science Reviews
Fish otolith geochemistry, environmental conditions and human occupation at Lake Mungo, Australia
Kelsie Long , Nicola Stern , Ian S. Williams , Les Kinsley , Rachel Wood , Katarina Sporcic , Tegan Smith , Stewart Fallon , Harri Kokkonen , Ian Moffat , Rainer Grün
オーストラリア南東部のウィランドラ湖群地域(世界遺産)で得られた19.4kaの化石耳石のSr/Ca・Ba/Ca・δ18O分析から、魚の回遊や、湖の環境変動を推定。魚が死ぬ前に湖の蒸発が非常に盛んになったこと(高塩分化)、それによって古代アボリジニによる魚の捕獲が容易になったことなどを示唆(easy prey hypothesis)。


気になった一文集(English ver. No. 19)

The impact of this change is small but not negligible: without the reductions in CFC emissions, temperatures today could have been almost 0.1 °C warmer than they actually are.

This simple analysis supports the idea that the reductions in CFC emissions that were enforced by the Montreal Protocol contributed to the warming hiatus of the past 15 years. However, it also suggests that this is unlikely to be the whole story. To fully account for the lack of warming that would have been expected between 1998 and 2012, the reduction in radiative forcing from CFCs would have had to be much stronger.

The untidy conclusion is that the explanation of the much-discussed warming hiatus over the past decade and a half is unlikely to be a simple single issue. Various neglected effects that are difficult to capture adequately through deterministic linear trend models — such as stratospheric volcanic aerosols, deep ocean heat uptake, the unusually strong solar minimum and internal climate variability — are all likely to have played a role.

Although Estrada and colleagues’ proposal does not seem to explain the entire hiatus, their findings once again confirm that the warming slow-down does not significantly affect the attribution of most of the warming since about 1960 to human influence.

Breaks in trendsNature Geoscience 6, 992–993 (2013)


“Ocean acidification research is still in its infancy but we already know enough to act”, Osborn said. He further highlighted the critical need to bring international attention to this “hidden” consequence of increasing CO2 emissions. Despite the potential serious impacts of rising CO2 emissions on our oceans, they have been largely absent from the UN climate discussions.

Ocean acidification is “the other CO2 problem” and an excellent additional reason to reduce human induced CO2 emissions to the atmosphere.

The other CO2 problem – IAEA highlights ocean acidification at climate change conferenceInternational Atomic Energy Agency (18 November 2013)


...despite technical advances and the considerable efforts of climate scientists, the range of climate sensitivities estimated by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) using computer models has not narrowed since 1990, and remains at roughly 1.5–4.5 °C.

The researchers came up with three crucial findings. First, they observed that differences in mixing strength explained about half of the spread of climate sensitivities estimated by the models. Second, they found that changes in mixing strength depend on the mixing strength in simulations of the current climate, which was used as the initial value in the experiments. And third, they conclude that estimates of current mixing strength based on observations imply a climate sensitivity of more than 3 °C, which is in the upper half of the IPCC’s range of estimates.

 「Clouds of uncertaintyNature 505 (2 JANUARY 2014)


It is estimated that the fresher AABW can account for about half of the total Antarctic ice-mass loss (45 ± 26 %). Although the Southern Ocean and AABW occupy a relatively small fraction of the global ocean, the warming of the water column surrounding Antarctica could account for about 18 ± 8 % of the ~180 TW heat gain in the climate system over the late twentieth century; resulting in a rise of the Southern Ocean’s sea level of 1–2 mm per year. 
より淡水化するAABW(南極底層水)ですべての南極の氷の全質量損失(45 ± 26 %)のおよそ半分を説明できると推定されている。南大洋とAABWは全球の海の比較的わずかな分しか占めていないにもかかわらず、南極周辺の水柱の温暖化は21世紀末を通して気候システムが獲得した180 TWの熱の18 ± 8 %に相当する。その結果、南大洋の海水準は年間1–2 mmで上昇している。

Surface waters around Antarctica are also freshening and it would seem likely that a signif cant fraction of the Antarctic melt ends up in these waters. Fresher surface waters are lighter and further isolate sea-ice from the warmer ocean below, and may help explain observed increases in Antarctic sea-ice cover.

Deep ocean fresheningNature Climate Change 3, 864–865 (2013)


On some level, most people understand the difference between climate and weather. Climate is the context: the accumulation of temperatures and precipitation trends that vary depending on location and season. Weather is what we experience, and extremes are part of the package. 

Despite such assessments, however, people continually confound weather and climate in the heat — or cold — of the moment. Confusion seems unavoidable.

At first blush, the global-warming ‘hiatus’ runs counter to the warming projected by climate models…Ultimately, the hiatus has provided an opportunity to better understand both the climate system and climate models. One lesson is that the climate, like day-to-day weather, has its ups and downs. Another is that the average global temperature — although a useful indicator — is not the only measure of how the climate changes.

Cool heads neededNature 505, 261–262 (16 January 2014).


successful papers may provide compelling support for something that had been a mere suspicion, or they may present an entirely novel interpretation of existing data — or something that falls between those two, in terms of novelty and robustness. The essence, for us, is that the paper makes a difference to the way our readers think about Earth or planetary systems.

The paper trailNature Geoscience 7, 77 (Feb 2014)





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