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最終退氷期における海からのCO2放出(Martinez-Boti et al., 2015, Nature)

Boron isotope evidence for oceanic carbon dioxide leakage during the last deglaciation
M. A. Martinez-Boti, G. Marino, G. L. Foster, P. Ziveri, M. J. HenehanJ. W. B. Rae, P. G. Mortyn, D. Vance
Nature 518, 219–222 (12 February 2015).

Geochemistry: When carbon escaped from the sea
Katherine A. Allen
Nature 518, 176–177 (12 February 2015).

Gavin L. Fosterらの最新の研究成果。過去10年程度の有孔虫δ11Bに関する仕事の集大成とも言える論文。