Main contents

1、新着論文 2、論文概説 3、コラム 4、本のレビュー 5、雑記(PC・研究関連)
6、気になった一文集(日本語English) 7、日記(日本語English) おまけTwilog



Now I'm on the way "Road to Tokyo", and waiting for a next transit in Huston International Airport.

I attended the 2017 AGU Fall Meeting held at New Orleans (NOLA), and presented a poster regarding boron isotope measurements of planktonic foraminifera.

Convention center was really large laterally, so we walked several km a day every day!

This was my second time attendance to AGU, and I really enjoyed the science talks (and ABITA beers!).

During the stay I walked around the city, and touched exotic and unique atmospheres. It was interesting that even in the USA, French, Spanish, and African cultures mix in a very complex way. Food was unique, but really good.

Mississippi River seen from Riverwalk Outlet

St. Louis Cathedral

A statue of Louis Armstrong, the best trumpet player ever

Louis Armstrong Park

Jazz was really awesome and we enjoyed live plays every night, everywhere.

Musical Legend's Park
The best jazz was that performed at Preservation Hall, so that I visited there twice! 
It looked like ad lib occasionally, but all sounds were harmonized perfectly! I was so excited.

Preservation Hall
Also, I visited a famous museum, World War II Museum. The way to exhibit history of this war was really nice, I thought a lot of things while seeing the course and the end of the war (a defeat of Japan). My knowledge on the war is based on junior-high and high school textbooks, so American perspective was really new for me.

World War II Museum

In a final day I went to VooDoo Museum as well. The room was very narrow and had a really extra-ordinal air.

VooDoo Museum

During one-week-stay, I saw a lot aspects of the USA.