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6、気になった一文集(日本語English) 7、日記(日本語English) おまけTwilog


気になった一文集(English ver. No. 21)

…as the latest instalment of the IPCC’s Fifth Assessment Report — covering climate impacts, adaptation and vulnerability — makes all too clear, humanity has a long way to go in preparing for the effects that are already inevitable owing to our history, let alone for a future in which emissions continue to rise.

The report documents a range of potential impacts, from reduced agricultural yields to increased water shortages and often-unpredictable stresses on ecosystems around the globe. None of these comes as a surprise, and citizens and policy-makers would be wise to act sooner rather than later.

…this is not just a report about climate impacts. It is a comprehensive assessment of the state of the world in which we live and the direction in which it is inevitably headed.

Scientists have their work cut out. They must continue to collect data about the ever-changing world while seeking to understand how diverse landscapes — both wild and tamed — will respond to global warming. And they must drill down to the regional level to help governments and people to make good decisions.

But to make it all come together, scientists and policy-makers urgently need to invest extra resources to improve environmental observations and to determine what actions make the most sense.

Brace for impactsNature 508, 7 (03 April 2014) "Editorial"


The latest report on climate impacts from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) sounds a familiar warning: Climate change is already stressing human communities, agriculture, and natural ecosystems, and the effects are likely to increase in the future. But unlike the last edition, issued in 2007, this year's report is meant to be a practical guide to action. It goes out of its way to highlight the greatest risks, and draws on an emerging body of social science to suggest how policymakers might take practical steps to help communities adapt.

This installment details how the buildup of carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere is affecting thousands of species, reducing farm yields, and threatening marine ecosystems with ocean acidification. For the future, the report says projections indicate "many more negative impacts than positive impacts." 

And for the first time, the IPCC attempts to rank the threats. (…) These risks may have "potentially severe consequences for humans and social-ecological systems," the report says.

Eight Major Climate Risks
 1. Death or harm from coastal flooding

 2. Harm or economic losses from inland flooding

 3. Extreme weather disrupting electrical, emergency, or other systems

 4. Extreme heat, especially for the urban and rural poor

 5. Food insecurity linked to warming, drought, or flooding

 6. Water shortages causing agricultural or economic losses

 7. Loss of marine ecosystems essential to fishing and other communities

 8. Loss of terrestrial and inland water ecosystems

Costs of global adaptation have been estimated between $70 billion and $100 billion per year by 2050, although the IPCC found low confidence in those numbers. But the report says that "the projected global needs [are] orders of magnitude greater than current investment levels particularly in developing countries."

In New Report, IPCC Gets More Specific About Warming RisksScience 344, 21 (4 April 2014). "NEWS & ANALYSIS"


Although climate engineering may be important for managing climate risk, it cannot eliminate the long-term climate and geochemical risks posed by elevated CO2.

Air capture is neither a silver bullet nor a hopeless dream: It is simply another chemical engineering technology.

Although this is a distant prospect, it is important because it represents one of the few ways to remediate human impact on the carbon cycle, an impact that is otherwise all but


Why Capture CO2 from the Atmosphere?Science 325, 1654-1655 (25 September 2009). "Perspective"


Compiled by hundreds of lead and reviewing authors over several years, the report warns that without substantial policy and technology changes, the world is heading towards dangerous temperature rises.

The report adds that to have a 50% chance of keeping the global surface-temperature increase below the UN target of 2 °C, humans must not release more than an additional 1,550 Gt of greenhouse gases before 2100. At current rates, that limit will be exceeded before 2050.

The IPCC also acknowledges that the renewable-energy industry is making substantial gains in performance and cost reductions. But it notes that growing global energy demand and an increase in coal’s share of the global fuel mix in recent years threaten to thwart mitigation efforts.

Nuclear power and environ­mentally safe geoengineering technologies, such as the removal of atmospheric CO2 and the capture and storage of carbon emissions, will all need to be considered, he says.
CO2捕獲や炭素排出の捕獲・貯留)はすべて考慮されることになるだろう」と彼(Ottmar Edenhofer)は言う。

Robert Stavins, an environmental economist at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and a lead author of the IPCC report, emphasizes that the greatest challenges in mitigating the effects of climate change will be political, not technological.
Robert StavinsとIPCC報告書の筆頭著者らは、気候変化の影響を緩和することにおける最大の課題は技術的なものではなく、政治的なものであると強調する。

“The process forces policy-makers to really engage with the science underlying climate change,” says Peters. “Given the scale of the problem we’re facing, that’s good to know.”

IPCC report under fireNature NEWS (15 April 2014)


Averting risky climate change "requires a fundamental transformation of the energy supply system," concludes a summary of the report from the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), released here on 13 April. And so far, humanity has "not done a lot" to achieve that goal, IPCC Chair Rajendra Pachauri told a press conference.
危険な気候変化を避けるには”エネルギー供給システムの根本的な変革が必要である”と、4/13に公表された国連の気候変化に関する政府間パネル(IPCC)による報告書の要約は結論づけている。「これまで、人類は目標を達成するために必要な”多くのことをやっていない”」とIPCC議長Rajendra Pachauriは記者会見の場で発言した。

Since the last assessment, economic growth and burgeoning global coal use have driven emissions ever higher. Global emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) or its equivalent were 7 billion tons greater between 2000 and 2010 than over the prior decade.

(…) the report suggests that aggressive efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions could have their own co-benefits. Stepped-up mitigation could, by cleaning the air, save the equivalent of 10 million lives by 2030 compared with a less aggressive scenario, concluded one study cited in the IPCC report. Another found that the monetary benefits of improved human health would roughly balance the cost of reducing emissions.

More Sophisticated Forecasts Yield Glimmer of Hope in Climate GloomScience 344, 6181 (18 April 2014) “NEWS & ANALYSIS