A stagnation event in the deep South Atlantic during the last interglacial period
Christopher T. Hayes, Alfredo Martínez-García, Adam P. Hasenfratz, Samuel L. Jaccard, David A. Hodell, Daniel M. Sigman, Gerald H. Haug, Robert F. Anderson
Science 346, 1514-1517 (19 December 2014).
南大洋で採取された堆積物コア(ODP Site 1094、53.2°S、2807m)の分析から、最終間氷期(MIS5e)の大西洋子午面循環(AMOC)の変動を議論。
ガラパゴス諸島のサンゴ礁・生物侵食・海洋酸性化(Manzello et al., in press, GRL)
Galápagos Coral Reef Persistence after ENSO Warming Across an Acidification Gradient
Derek P. Manzello, Ian C. Enochs, Andrew Bruckner, Philip G. Renaud, Graham Kolodziej, David A. Budd, Renée Carlton andPeter W. Glynn
GRL, in press
Derek P. Manzello, Ian C. Enochs, Andrew Bruckner, Philip G. Renaud, Graham Kolodziej, David A. Budd, Renée Carlton andPeter W. Glynn
GRL, in press
深海・造礁サンゴに対する海洋酸性化の影響(Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, 2014, 6.1)
Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (2014). An Updated Synthesis of the Impacts of Ocean Acidification on Marine Biodiversity (Eds: S. Hennige, J.M. Roberts & P. Williamson). Montreal, Technical Series No. 75, 99 pages
p. 55-58の深海・造礁サンゴに対する海洋酸性化の影響の部分の全訳です。
p. 55-58の深海・造礁サンゴに対する海洋酸性化の影響の部分の全訳です。
作業PCはMacで、Microsoft WordとAdobe Acrobat Proを使っています。
作業PCはMacで、Microsoft WordとAdobe Acrobat Proを使っています。
つい先日「The Convention on Biological Diversity」により公表された、海洋酸性化が生物多様性に与える影響をまとめた報告書の、要約部分の日本語訳です。
Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (2014). An Updated Synthesis of the Impacts of Ocean Acidification on Marine Biodiversity (Eds: S. Hennige, J.M. Roberts & P. Williamson). Montreal, Technical Series No. 75, 99 pages
Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (2014). An Updated Synthesis of the Impacts of Ocean Acidification on Marine Biodiversity (Eds: S. Hennige, J.M. Roberts & P. Williamson). Montreal, Technical Series No. 75, 99 pages
「国際誌エディターが教えるアクセプトされる論文の書き方」(上出洋介, 2014年, 丸善出版)
これまででもっとも細かい大気CO2濃度記録:最終退氷期(Marcott et al., 2014, Nature)
Centennial-scale changes in the global carbon cycle during the last deglaciation
Shaun A. Marcott, Thomas K. Bauska, Christo Buizert, Eric J. Steig, Julia L. Rosen, Kurt M. Cuffey, T. J. Fudge, Jeffery P. Severinghaus, Jinho Ahn, Michael L. Kalk, Joseph R. McConnell, Todd Sowers, Kendrick C. Taylor, James W. C. White & Edward J. Brook
Nature 514, 616–619 (30 October 2014)
Shaun A. Marcott, Thomas K. Bauska, Christo Buizert, Eric J. Steig, Julia L. Rosen, Kurt M. Cuffey, T. J. Fudge, Jeffery P. Severinghaus, Jinho Ahn, Michael L. Kalk, Joseph R. McConnell, Todd Sowers, Kendrick C. Taylor, James W. C. White & Edward J. Brook
Nature 514, 616–619 (30 October 2014)
氷期の赤道大西洋のCO2放出は今よりも大きかった?(Foster & Sexton, 2014, Geology)
Enhanced carbon dioxide outgassing from the eastern equatorial Atlantic during the last glacial
G.L. Foster and P.F. Sexton
Geology doi: 10.1130/G35806.1 (October 7, 2014)
G.L. Foster and P.F. Sexton
Geology doi: 10.1130/G35806.1 (October 7, 2014)
海底の引っ搔き傷から氷期の北米氷床から流出した氷山がどう流れるかを推定(Hill & Condron, 2014, Ngeo)
Subtropical iceberg scours and meltwater routing in the deglacial western North Atlantic
Jenna C. Hill & Alan Condron
Nature Geoscience, AOP (2014)
氷期や最終退氷期における北米大陸氷床からの氷山流出とその融水放出(ハインリッヒ・イベント、8.2 kaイベントなど)が大西洋子午面循環だけでなく、全球の気候に大きな影響を与えたことが世界中の様々な記録から示唆されている(中国・インドネシア・ブラジルの鍾乳石、北半球中・高緯度の堆積物コアなど)。
Jenna C. Hill & Alan Condron
Nature Geoscience, AOP (2014)
氷期や最終退氷期における北米大陸氷床からの氷山流出とその融水放出(ハインリッヒ・イベント、8.2 kaイベントなど)が大西洋子午面循環だけでなく、全球の気候に大きな影響を与えたことが世界中の様々な記録から示唆されている(中国・インドネシア・ブラジルの鍾乳石、北半球中・高緯度の堆積物コアなど)。
気になった一文集(English ver. No. 24)
That goal seems far off, given the continued lure of oil and gas and the huge amount of ‘locked-in’ emissions from the army of new coal-powered plants in China and elsewhere. And the world population keeps growing: by mid-century, when global emissions will already need to have declined substantially to avoid excessive warming, billions of ‘consumers’ in Africa and Asia will remain trapped in the fossil-fuel age regardless of the low-carbon technologies that might then be available — unless they are helped out of poverty.
「Warming up」Nature 514, 5–6 (01 October 2014)
The Canadian project is just the first of what will need to be thousands of clean coal plants by 2050 to put a significant dent in emissions. (Coal-burning alone produced 15 billion tonnes of CO2 worldwide in 2012, 43% of the world’s total). On current timetables, the world is nowhere close to achieving this: the technology is just too expensive, and so far there’s been no political will to tax fossil fuels on the basis of their emissions, which would be an incentive for clean coal.
2050年までにかなりの排出量を減らすために必要な数千ものクリーンな石炭発電所 のうち、カナダの計画は単に最初のものというだけに過ぎない。(2012年に世界で排出された150億トンのCO2のうち、石炭燃焼だけでも世界全体の排出量の43%を担っている。)現在の予定表であれば、世界はちっともこの目標に近づいていない。その理由としては、その技術があまりに高額であり、クリーンな石炭発電のインセンティブになるような化石燃料に課される排出量に応じた課税をどこの政治も行っていないことが挙げられる。
In 2009, the IEA published a road map calling for 100 large CCS projects by 2020, but in July 2013, with projects failing to materialize, it downgraded that to just 30. And even that is ambitious.
「World’s first ‘clean coal’ commercial power plant opens in Canada」
Richard Van Noorden, Nature NEWS BLOG (02 Oct 2014)
Values may vary according to, for example, age, wealth, education, sex, culture and religion. One group of people might see adopting nuclear power as a practical way to avoid greenhouse-gas emissions; another would find it unpalatable.
More surveys and longitudinal studies are needed to find out what sorts of risks individuals say they will react to most strongly, and how they actually respond. For example, a study of migration intentions in rural Pakistan from 1991 to 2012 showed that extreme heat influenced people’s choices but flooding did not. The main reason was that heat waves do not attract as much financial compensation as flood relief.
「Model human adaptation to climate change」Nature 512, 365–366 (28 August 2014)
Today, the rate of extinction of species is estimated to be 100 to 1,000 times more than what could be considered natural.
loss of biodiversity can increase the vulnerability of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems to changes in climate and ocean acidity, thus reducing the safe boundary levels of these processes. There is growing understanding of the importance of functional biodiversity in preventing ecosystems from tipping into undesired states when they are disturbed. This means that apparent redundancy is required to maintain an ecosystem’s resilience. Ecosystems that depend on a few or single species for critical functions are vulnerable to disturbances, such as disease, and at a greater risk of tipping into undesired states.
(…) because many of the boundaries are linked, exceeding one will have implications for others in ways that we do not as yet completely understand. There is also significant uncertainty over how long it takes to cause dangerous environmental change or to trigger other feedbacks that drastically reduce the ability of the Earth system, or important subsystems, to return to safe levels.
「A safe operating space for humanity」Nature 461, 472-475 (24 September 2009)
The 2 °C limit has been widely considered a prime example of science-based policymaking, but it is currently under scrutiny as the conditions to meet the target continue to deteriorate. What once seemed a non-negotiable planetary threshold might need to be renegotiated soon.
A number of experts had already criticized the 2 °C target before its adoption by the UNFCCC, arguing that a single metric cannot represent the threshold to ‘dangerous’ climate change and that abstract long-term targets usually don’t catalyse tangible short-term action.
there is no doubt that the global emissions trajectory, which is still rising, is unlikely to be reversed in just a few years.
Empirical findings indicate, however, that political effectiveness and public trust cannot be reduced to a function of the breadth and depth of scientific consensus. While the IPCC has been able to provide a common knowledge base for international climate policy, the uptake of its findings and the credibility of the institution itself in the eyes of citizens and policymakers worldwide still vary significantly.
Scientific or expert judgements can only inform, not replace, public debate on the moral, social, political, ethical and economic ramifications of the different possible responses to climate change.
If climate change is one of the main challenges of the future, then climate policy should not be derived from ‘planetary boundaries’ exclusively determined by science.
「Renegotiating the global climate stabilization target」Nature Climate Change 4, 747–748 (2014)
The amount of change that would typically occur in about 10 million years is being condensed into a 300-year period.
「A slightly more acidic ocean may help coral species」news@Northeastern (5 November 2014)
Politically, it has allowed some governments to pretend that they are taking serious action to mitigate global warming, when in reality they have achieved almost nothing.
Pretending that they are chasing this unattainable goal has also allowed governments to ignore the need for massive adaptation to climate change.
The answer almost certainly lies in the oceans. The oceans are taking up 93% of the extra energy being added to the climate system, which is stoking sea-level rise and other climate impacts.
Instead, a set of indicators is needed to gauge the varied stresses that humans are placing on the climate system and their possible impacts. Doctors call their basket of health indices vital signs. The same approach is needed for the climate.
Sucking up all that greenhouse gas actually helps offset global warming, but the ocean pays a price.
「SCU project looks at how fast climate change killing reefs」Northern Star News (7 Nov 2014)
In the year or so before Copenhagen there were, like today, many bold pronouncements but few specifics. Massive disagreements over who would pay the cost of controlling emissions and adapting to climate change loomed large with no serious solutions in sight.
What really matters now are answers to questions about human behaviour, including political action — the realm of social sciences and the humanities that the IPCC and governments have been most uncomfortable letting into the room.
「Copenhagen II or something new」Nature Climate Change 4, 853–855 (2014)
(…) calcification must exceed bioerosion in order for reefs to grow and persist in the euphotic zone. Ocean acidification will drive a decrease in rates of calcification by corals and coralline algae, and ocean warming will exacerbate these impacts by inducing coral bleaching and mortality.
Curtailing global CO2 emissions, the primary driver of ocean acidification, cannot be tackled at a local level.
「Coral macrobioerosion is accelerated by ocean acidification and nutrients」DeCarlo et al., in press, Geology
Of particular interest is how changes in the lateral supply of carbon from land will alter the sink–source balance of coastal systems, and how other perturbations, such as ocean acidification, deoxygenation and increasing nutrient load, will manifest themselves in the coastal carbon cycle and ultimately alter the coastal ocean’s ability to take up atmospheric CO2.
「Carbon at the coastal interface」N. Gruber, Nature 517, 148–149 (08 January 2015).
Our results suggest that, globally, a third of oil reserves, half of gas reserves and over 80 per cent of current coal reserves should remain unused from 2010 to 2050 in order to meet the target of 2 °C. We show that development of resources in the Arctic and any increase in unconventional oil production are incommensurate with efforts to limit average global warming to 2 °C. Our results show that policy makers’ instincts to exploit rapidly and completely their territorial fossil fuels are, in aggregate, inconsistent with their commitments to this temperature limit. Implementation of this policy commitment would also render unnecessary continued substantial expenditure on fossil fuel exploration, because any new discoveries could not lead to increased aggregate production.
2 °Cという温暖化目標を実現するためには、世界的に残存する化石燃料のうち、2010年から2050年にかけて、「3分の1の石油、半分の天然ガス、80%の石炭」は手つかずのまま残しておくべきであることを、我々の結果は示唆している。北極圏の資源開発やその他の非在来型の石油生産は全球の平均的な温暖化を2 °Cに抑制する努力とは相容れないことを示す。政策決定者が陸域の化石燃料資源を早く・余すところなく開発したいという思いと、この温暖化制限の約束(政策決定者の責任)とは、全体として、辻褄が合っていないことを我々の結果は示している。いかなる新発見も総生産の増加につながらないため、こうした政策方針の実行は、化石燃料開発にかかる多額の出費を不必要に継続させることになると思われる。
「The geographical distribution of fossil fuels unused when limiting global warming to 2 °C」Christophe McGlade & Paul Ekins, Nature 517, 187–190 (08 January 2015)
「Warming up」Nature 514, 5–6 (01 October 2014)
The Canadian project is just the first of what will need to be thousands of clean coal plants by 2050 to put a significant dent in emissions. (Coal-burning alone produced 15 billion tonnes of CO2 worldwide in 2012, 43% of the world’s total). On current timetables, the world is nowhere close to achieving this: the technology is just too expensive, and so far there’s been no political will to tax fossil fuels on the basis of their emissions, which would be an incentive for clean coal.
2050年までにかなりの排出量を減らすために必要な数千ものクリーンな石炭発電所 のうち、カナダの計画は単に最初のものというだけに過ぎない。(2012年に世界で排出された150億トンのCO2のうち、石炭燃焼だけでも世界全体の排出量の43%を担っている。)現在の予定表であれば、世界はちっともこの目標に近づいていない。その理由としては、その技術があまりに高額であり、クリーンな石炭発電のインセンティブになるような化石燃料に課される排出量に応じた課税をどこの政治も行っていないことが挙げられる。
In 2009, the IEA published a road map calling for 100 large CCS projects by 2020, but in July 2013, with projects failing to materialize, it downgraded that to just 30. And even that is ambitious.
「World’s first ‘clean coal’ commercial power plant opens in Canada」
Richard Van Noorden, Nature NEWS BLOG (02 Oct 2014)
Values may vary according to, for example, age, wealth, education, sex, culture and religion. One group of people might see adopting nuclear power as a practical way to avoid greenhouse-gas emissions; another would find it unpalatable.
More surveys and longitudinal studies are needed to find out what sorts of risks individuals say they will react to most strongly, and how they actually respond. For example, a study of migration intentions in rural Pakistan from 1991 to 2012 showed that extreme heat influenced people’s choices but flooding did not. The main reason was that heat waves do not attract as much financial compensation as flood relief.
「Model human adaptation to climate change」Nature 512, 365–366 (28 August 2014)
Today, the rate of extinction of species is estimated to be 100 to 1,000 times more than what could be considered natural.
loss of biodiversity can increase the vulnerability of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems to changes in climate and ocean acidity, thus reducing the safe boundary levels of these processes. There is growing understanding of the importance of functional biodiversity in preventing ecosystems from tipping into undesired states when they are disturbed. This means that apparent redundancy is required to maintain an ecosystem’s resilience. Ecosystems that depend on a few or single species for critical functions are vulnerable to disturbances, such as disease, and at a greater risk of tipping into undesired states.
(…) because many of the boundaries are linked, exceeding one will have implications for others in ways that we do not as yet completely understand. There is also significant uncertainty over how long it takes to cause dangerous environmental change or to trigger other feedbacks that drastically reduce the ability of the Earth system, or important subsystems, to return to safe levels.
「A safe operating space for humanity」Nature 461, 472-475 (24 September 2009)
The 2 °C limit has been widely considered a prime example of science-based policymaking, but it is currently under scrutiny as the conditions to meet the target continue to deteriorate. What once seemed a non-negotiable planetary threshold might need to be renegotiated soon.
A number of experts had already criticized the 2 °C target before its adoption by the UNFCCC, arguing that a single metric cannot represent the threshold to ‘dangerous’ climate change and that abstract long-term targets usually don’t catalyse tangible short-term action.
there is no doubt that the global emissions trajectory, which is still rising, is unlikely to be reversed in just a few years.
Empirical findings indicate, however, that political effectiveness and public trust cannot be reduced to a function of the breadth and depth of scientific consensus. While the IPCC has been able to provide a common knowledge base for international climate policy, the uptake of its findings and the credibility of the institution itself in the eyes of citizens and policymakers worldwide still vary significantly.
Scientific or expert judgements can only inform, not replace, public debate on the moral, social, political, ethical and economic ramifications of the different possible responses to climate change.
If climate change is one of the main challenges of the future, then climate policy should not be derived from ‘planetary boundaries’ exclusively determined by science.
「Renegotiating the global climate stabilization target」Nature Climate Change 4, 747–748 (2014)
The amount of change that would typically occur in about 10 million years is being condensed into a 300-year period.
「A slightly more acidic ocean may help coral species」news@Northeastern (5 November 2014)
Politically, it has allowed some governments to pretend that they are taking serious action to mitigate global warming, when in reality they have achieved almost nothing.
Pretending that they are chasing this unattainable goal has also allowed governments to ignore the need for massive adaptation to climate change.
The answer almost certainly lies in the oceans. The oceans are taking up 93% of the extra energy being added to the climate system, which is stoking sea-level rise and other climate impacts.
Instead, a set of indicators is needed to gauge the varied stresses that humans are placing on the climate system and their possible impacts. Doctors call their basket of health indices vital signs. The same approach is needed for the climate.
Sucking up all that greenhouse gas actually helps offset global warming, but the ocean pays a price.
「SCU project looks at how fast climate change killing reefs」Northern Star News (7 Nov 2014)
In the year or so before Copenhagen there were, like today, many bold pronouncements but few specifics. Massive disagreements over who would pay the cost of controlling emissions and adapting to climate change loomed large with no serious solutions in sight.
What really matters now are answers to questions about human behaviour, including political action — the realm of social sciences and the humanities that the IPCC and governments have been most uncomfortable letting into the room.
「Copenhagen II or something new」Nature Climate Change 4, 853–855 (2014)
(…) calcification must exceed bioerosion in order for reefs to grow and persist in the euphotic zone. Ocean acidification will drive a decrease in rates of calcification by corals and coralline algae, and ocean warming will exacerbate these impacts by inducing coral bleaching and mortality.
Curtailing global CO2 emissions, the primary driver of ocean acidification, cannot be tackled at a local level.
「Coral macrobioerosion is accelerated by ocean acidification and nutrients」DeCarlo et al., in press, Geology
Of particular interest is how changes in the lateral supply of carbon from land will alter the sink–source balance of coastal systems, and how other perturbations, such as ocean acidification, deoxygenation and increasing nutrient load, will manifest themselves in the coastal carbon cycle and ultimately alter the coastal ocean’s ability to take up atmospheric CO2.
「Carbon at the coastal interface」N. Gruber, Nature 517, 148–149 (08 January 2015).
Our results suggest that, globally, a third of oil reserves, half of gas reserves and over 80 per cent of current coal reserves should remain unused from 2010 to 2050 in order to meet the target of 2 °C. We show that development of resources in the Arctic and any increase in unconventional oil production are incommensurate with efforts to limit average global warming to 2 °C. Our results show that policy makers’ instincts to exploit rapidly and completely their territorial fossil fuels are, in aggregate, inconsistent with their commitments to this temperature limit. Implementation of this policy commitment would also render unnecessary continued substantial expenditure on fossil fuel exploration, because any new discoveries could not lead to increased aggregate production.
2 °Cという温暖化目標を実現するためには、世界的に残存する化石燃料のうち、2010年から2050年にかけて、「3分の1の石油、半分の天然ガス、80%の石炭」は手つかずのまま残しておくべきであることを、我々の結果は示唆している。北極圏の資源開発やその他の非在来型の石油生産は全球の平均的な温暖化を2 °Cに抑制する努力とは相容れないことを示す。政策決定者が陸域の化石燃料資源を早く・余すところなく開発したいという思いと、この温暖化制限の約束(政策決定者の責任)とは、全体として、辻褄が合っていないことを我々の結果は示している。いかなる新発見も総生産の増加につながらないため、こうした政策方針の実行は、化石燃料開発にかかる多額の出費を不必要に継続させることになると思われる。
「The geographical distribution of fossil fuels unused when limiting global warming to 2 °C」Christophe McGlade & Paul Ekins, Nature 517, 187–190 (08 January 2015)
For example, the Middle East, which holds the bulk of conventional oil reserves, would need to leave about 40% of those reserves underground. This corresponds to about 8 years of global production at current levels (87 million barrels per day). Similarly, countries with large coal endowments would face great challenges. China and India would have to discard 66% of their reserves, whereas Africa would have to leave 85% of them. In addition, the United States, Australia and countries of the former Soviet Union would need to leave more than 90% of their coal reserves underground, in stark contrast to the renaissance of coal use currently under way in many places.
Encouraged by the recent shale-gas production boom in the United States, several world regions, including China, India, Africa and the Middle East, are seeking to unlock their large endowments or increase existing production. However, McGlade and Ekins’ analysis shows that Africa and the Middle East would have to leave their entire unconventional gas resources underground, and that about 10% of the combined endowment of China and India (which includes substantial amounts of coal-bed methane) could be produced.
「Unburnable fossil-fuel reserves」Michael Jakob & Jérôme Hilaire, Nature 517, 150–152 (08 January 2015).
For example, the Middle East, which holds the bulk of conventional oil reserves, would need to leave about 40% of those reserves underground. This corresponds to about 8 years of global production at current levels (87 million barrels per day). Similarly, countries with large coal endowments would face great challenges. China and India would have to discard 66% of their reserves, whereas Africa would have to leave 85% of them. In addition, the United States, Australia and countries of the former Soviet Union would need to leave more than 90% of their coal reserves underground, in stark contrast to the renaissance of coal use currently under way in many places.
Encouraged by the recent shale-gas production boom in the United States, several world regions, including China, India, Africa and the Middle East, are seeking to unlock their large endowments or increase existing production. However, McGlade and Ekins’ analysis shows that Africa and the Middle East would have to leave their entire unconventional gas resources underground, and that about 10% of the combined endowment of China and India (which includes substantial amounts of coal-bed methane) could be produced.
「Unburnable fossil-fuel reserves」Michael Jakob & Jérôme Hilaire, Nature 517, 150–152 (08 January 2015).
IntCal13 and Marine13 Radiocarbon Age Calibration Curves 0–50,000 Years cal BP
Paula J Reimer
Radiocarbon 55, 1869-1887 (2013).
IntCal13 and Marine13 Radiocarbon Age Calibration Curves 0–50,000 Years cal BP
Paula J Reimer
Radiocarbon 55, 1869-1887 (2013).
新着論文(G3, GRL, JGR, PO)
Provenance of the late quaternary sediments in the Andaman Sea: Implications for monsoon variability and ocean circulation
Neeraj Awasthi, Jyotiranjan S. Ray, Ashutosh K. Singh, Shraddha T. Band, Vinai K. Rai
The dynamics of global change at the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum: A data-model comparison
Timothy J. Bralower, Katrin J. Meissner, Kaitlin Alexander, Deborah J. Thomas
南大洋で得られた堆積物コア(ODP Site 690: Maud Rise)のPETMの開始時期のデータの再解釈。一連の出来事(表層の温暖化→熱・栄養塩分布の変化→深層水の酸性化→陸上風化の活発化)をEMICsによるモデルの再現と比較することでより確かなシナリオを提示。
About the role of Westerly Wind Events in the possible development of an El Niño in 2014
Christophe E. Menkes, Matthieu Lengaigne, Jérôme Vialard, Martin Puy, Patrick Marchesiello, Sophie Cravatte, Gildas Cambon
Distinguishing meanders of the Kuroshio using machine learning
David A. Plotkin, Jonathan Weare, Dorian S. Abbot
Simulating Pliocene warmth and a permanent El Niño-like state: the role of cloud albedo
N. J. Burls, A. V. Fedorov
鮮新世(Pliocene; 4-5Ma)には赤道太平洋東西の温度差が小さく(1-2℃)、よりエルニーニョ的であった証拠が多く見つかっている。その後の全球的な寒冷化とともに西には暖水域、東には冷水域が形成されたと考えられているものの、その理論体型はまだ作られていない。雲のアルベドを変化させる気候シミュレーションから、多くの間接指標を統合的に説明できる結果が得られた。雲のアルベドの南北方向の傾きの現象が原因?
Provenance of the late quaternary sediments in the Andaman Sea: Implications for monsoon variability and ocean circulation
Neeraj Awasthi, Jyotiranjan S. Ray, Ashutosh K. Singh, Shraddha T. Band, Vinai K. Rai
The dynamics of global change at the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum: A data-model comparison
Timothy J. Bralower, Katrin J. Meissner, Kaitlin Alexander, Deborah J. Thomas
南大洋で得られた堆積物コア(ODP Site 690: Maud Rise)のPETMの開始時期のデータの再解釈。一連の出来事(表層の温暖化→熱・栄養塩分布の変化→深層水の酸性化→陸上風化の活発化)をEMICsによるモデルの再現と比較することでより確かなシナリオを提示。
About the role of Westerly Wind Events in the possible development of an El Niño in 2014
Christophe E. Menkes, Matthieu Lengaigne, Jérôme Vialard, Martin Puy, Patrick Marchesiello, Sophie Cravatte, Gildas Cambon
Distinguishing meanders of the Kuroshio using machine learning
David A. Plotkin, Jonathan Weare, Dorian S. Abbot
Simulating Pliocene warmth and a permanent El Niño-like state: the role of cloud albedo
N. J. Burls, A. V. Fedorov
鮮新世(Pliocene; 4-5Ma)には赤道太平洋東西の温度差が小さく(1-2℃)、よりエルニーニョ的であった証拠が多く見つかっている。その後の全球的な寒冷化とともに西には暖水域、東には冷水域が形成されたと考えられているものの、その理論体型はまだ作られていない。雲のアルベドを変化させる気候シミュレーションから、多くの間接指標を統合的に説明できる結果が得られた。雲のアルベドの南北方向の傾きの現象が原因?
『変化する地球環境』(木村龍治, 2014年, 放送大学叢書)
シンポジウムメモ(第四紀学会 2014.9.6-8)
キャリブレーション式がコアトップ・セディメントトラップ間で違ったり、海盆ごとに違うことに注意が必要。どの換算式を使っているのか(Anand v.s. Gassen & Elderfield)
◎Jody Websterさん@Sydney Univ.
モントレー湾水族館にも所属していたというのが驚きだった。その後、James Cook大を経て、現在はSydney大学へ。
完新世の温暖期の原因。北半球の日射量は確かに増大していたが、観測される気温を説明できるほど大きくはない。おそらく北極圏の増幅(polar amplificaiton)が重要だった。雪よりも植生は多くの日射を吸収することができることによる。
氷期におけるD/Oサイクルは相変わらずモデルで再現が難しい。特に東アジアの鍾乳石d18O記録の再現はほとんどできない。鍾乳石d18Oは単純に量的効果(amount effect)ではないという指摘も。
Kan, H, Urata, K., Nagao, M., Hori, N., Fujita, K.,Yokoyama, Y., Nakashima, Y., Ohashi, T., Goto, K., Suzuki, A. (in press) Submerged karst landforms observed by multibeam bathymetric survey in Nagura Bay, Ishigaki Island, southwestern Japan. Geomorphology <Open Access>
キャリブレーション式がコアトップ・セディメントトラップ間で違ったり、海盆ごとに違うことに注意が必要。どの換算式を使っているのか(Anand v.s. Gassen & Elderfield)
◎Jody Websterさん@Sydney Univ.
モントレー湾水族館にも所属していたというのが驚きだった。その後、James Cook大を経て、現在はSydney大学へ。
完新世の温暖期の原因。北半球の日射量は確かに増大していたが、観測される気温を説明できるほど大きくはない。おそらく北極圏の増幅(polar amplificaiton)が重要だった。雪よりも植生は多くの日射を吸収することができることによる。
氷期におけるD/Oサイクルは相変わらずモデルで再現が難しい。特に東アジアの鍾乳石d18O記録の再現はほとんどできない。鍾乳石d18Oは単純に量的効果(amount effect)ではないという指摘も。
Kan, H, Urata, K., Nagao, M., Hori, N., Fujita, K.,Yokoyama, Y., Nakashima, Y., Ohashi, T., Goto, K., Suzuki, A. (in press) Submerged karst landforms observed by multibeam bathymetric survey in Nagura Bay, Ishigaki Island, southwestern Japan. Geomorphology <Open Access>
『10万年の未来地球史』(カート・スティージャ, 2012年, 日経BP社)
原題:Deep Future ~ The next 100,000 Years of Life on Earth
カート・スティージャ(Curt Stager)
原題:Deep Future ~ The next 100,000 Years of Life on Earth
カート・スティージャ(Curt Stager)
『サンゴ礁』(高橋達郎, 1988年, 古今書院)
新着論文(Coral Reefs, GRL)
Coral Reefs
Multiple driving factors explain spatial and temporal variability in coral calcification rates on the Bermuda platform
A. Venti, A. Andersson, C. Langdon
サンゴの石灰化速度を規定する要因についてはよく分かっていない。バミューダで得られたハマサンゴ(Porites astreoides)とノウサンゴ(Diploria strigosa)の石灰化速度について評価を行ったところ、炭酸塩飽和度に非常に敏感であることが分かったが、現実には光もまた同じ位相で変動しているため、光が支配的な要因ではないかと推測される。見た目上の相関によって、「サンゴの石灰化は飽和度の低下に対してかなり敏感である」という間違った結論に導かれている可能性がある。また、季節変動に関しては温度もまた半分程度の要因になっていることが示唆された。
Historic impact of watershed change and sedimentation to reefs along west-central Guam
Nancy G. Prouty, Curt D. Storlazzi, Amanda L. McCutcheon, John W. Jenson
Reconstruction of Pacific Ocean bottom water salinity during the Last Glacial Maximum
Tania Lado Insua, Arthur J. Spivack, Dennis Graham, Steven D'Hondt, Kathryn Moran
Enhanced acidification of global coral reefs driven by regional biogeochemical feedbacks
Tyler Cyronak, Kai G. Schulz, Isaac R. Santos, Bradley D. Eyre
Multiple driving factors explain spatial and temporal variability in coral calcification rates on the Bermuda platform
A. Venti, A. Andersson, C. Langdon
サンゴの石灰化速度を規定する要因についてはよく分かっていない。バミューダで得られたハマサンゴ(Porites astreoides)とノウサンゴ(Diploria strigosa)の石灰化速度について評価を行ったところ、炭酸塩飽和度に非常に敏感であることが分かったが、現実には光もまた同じ位相で変動しているため、光が支配的な要因ではないかと推測される。見た目上の相関によって、「サンゴの石灰化は飽和度の低下に対してかなり敏感である」という間違った結論に導かれている可能性がある。また、季節変動に関しては温度もまた半分程度の要因になっていることが示唆された。
Historic impact of watershed change and sedimentation to reefs along west-central Guam
Nancy G. Prouty, Curt D. Storlazzi, Amanda L. McCutcheon, John W. Jenson
Reconstruction of Pacific Ocean bottom water salinity during the Last Glacial Maximum
Tania Lado Insua, Arthur J. Spivack, Dennis Graham, Steven D'Hondt, Kathryn Moran
Enhanced acidification of global coral reefs driven by regional biogeochemical feedbacks
Tyler Cyronak, Kai G. Schulz, Isaac R. Santos, Bradley D. Eyre
サンゴ礁における海洋酸性化を考える上で重要な概念・知見(Kleypas & Langdon, 2006)
Coral reefs and changing seawater chemistry
Kleypas, J. A., and Langdon, C. (2006)
In Coral Reefs and Climate Change: Science and Management, pp. 73–110.
Ed. by J. T. Phinney, O. Hoegh-Guldberg, J. Kleypas, W. Skirving, and A. Strong, AGU Monograph Series Coastal Estuarine Studies 61
ただし、このレビューが引用する「グレートバリアリーフのハマサンゴの骨格成長速度は温度に対する依存性が大きく、温暖化に伴いわずかに上昇しているか、ほぼ一定に保たれている」と報告する研究(Lough & Barnes, 1997; Lough & Barnes, 2000など)は、同じ研究グループによってのちに「骨格成長速度は急速に低下している」と修正されていることに注意(Cooper et al., 2007; De'ath et al., 2009など)。
・高Mg方解石(high-Mg calcite)
また海洋酸性化は炭酸イオン(CO32-)濃度減少をもたらすが、一方で重炭酸イオン(HCO3-)濃度を増加させる。石灰化への「プラス効果(施肥)」 v.s. 「マイナス効果(溶解)」のバランスについてもよく分かっていない。
「温度上昇による正の効果が酸性化による負の効果を上回る」と予測する研究者もいる。だが、温度上昇もまた最適温度(optimum temperature)を超えるとサンゴのストレス要因になるため(高温ストレスによる白化現象など)、石灰化は負に転じると予想される。
とくに、骨格成長量(extention rate)と石灰化速度(calcification rate)とは必ずしも一致しないことに注意する必要がある。なぜならば、前者は長さであり、後者は質量だからである。
Kleypas, J. A., and Langdon, C. (2006)
In Coral Reefs and Climate Change: Science and Management, pp. 73–110.
Ed. by J. T. Phinney, O. Hoegh-Guldberg, J. Kleypas, W. Skirving, and A. Strong, AGU Monograph Series Coastal Estuarine Studies 61
ただし、このレビューが引用する「グレートバリアリーフのハマサンゴの骨格成長速度は温度に対する依存性が大きく、温暖化に伴いわずかに上昇しているか、ほぼ一定に保たれている」と報告する研究(Lough & Barnes, 1997; Lough & Barnes, 2000など)は、同じ研究グループによってのちに「骨格成長速度は急速に低下している」と修正されていることに注意(Cooper et al., 2007; De'ath et al., 2009など)。
・高Mg方解石(high-Mg calcite)
また海洋酸性化は炭酸イオン(CO32-)濃度減少をもたらすが、一方で重炭酸イオン(HCO3-)濃度を増加させる。石灰化への「プラス効果(施肥)」 v.s. 「マイナス効果(溶解)」のバランスについてもよく分かっていない。
「温度上昇による正の効果が酸性化による負の効果を上回る」と予測する研究者もいる。だが、温度上昇もまた最適温度(optimum temperature)を超えるとサンゴのストレス要因になるため(高温ストレスによる白化現象など)、石灰化は負に転じると予想される。
とくに、骨格成長量(extention rate)と石灰化速度(calcification rate)とは必ずしも一致しないことに注意する必要がある。なぜならば、前者は長さであり、後者は質量だからである。
気になった一文集(English ver. No. 23)
Most numerical models suggest that historical ocean physical and biogeochemical trends observed over the last several decades will continue at least through the middle of this century, and the trends may even accelerate in response to growing human population levels and, more importantly, rising economic standards of living, particularly in the developing world.
For the last decade for which data are available (2002–2011), fossil fuel emissions averaged 8.3 ± 0.4 billion metric tons of carbon per year (uncertainty is ± 1 standard deviation in estimate of decadal mean). Over the same time period, fossil fuel emissions grew with time at a rate of 3.1% per year since the year 2000. Deforestation and land-use change accounted for an additional source of 1.0 ± 0.5 billion metric tons of carbon per year.
データが利用可能な過去10年間(2002–2011年)において、化石燃料由来の排出量は年平均で83 ± 4億トン(炭素換算)であった。同期間には、2000年以来年率3.1%の割合で排出量が増加した。森林破壊と土地利用の変化が、年間10 ± 5億トン(炭素換算)のさらなる排出量を担った。
Once released to the air, these greenhouse gases persist in the atmosphere for years to decades or longer, and the climatic impact of past and current human greenhouse gas emissions are global in extent and will be with us for a long time to come.
The phenomenon of global warming should, more appropriately, be called ocean warming, as more than 80% of the added heat resides in the ocean. Direct measurements of ocean temperatures show warming beginning in about 1970 down to at least 700 m, with stronger warming near the surface leading to increased thermal stratification (or layering) of the water column over much of the global ocean. Deep ocean temperatures are also on the rise.
「Historical and Future Trends in Ocean Climate and Biogeochemistry」
Doney, S.C., Bopp, L., and Long, M.C. Oceanography 27, 108–119 (2014).
It is too early to draw firm conclusions on the net effect, but it is rather clear that ocean acidification will affect marine organisms and will cause change.
While ocean acidification has been recognized as a topic of high research priority leading to a crescendo of studies, deoxygenation has not reached that level of recognition.
But what is really missing is the joint perspective, where the full and synergistic effect of all three stressors acting at the same time is investigated.
「Warming up, turning sour, losing breath: ocean biogeochemistry under global change」
Nicolas Gruber, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 369, 1980–1996 (2011).
Unless both groups take concerted action, stabilizing the climate will be impossible.
As economies mature, they become more efficient. But this improvement in energy intensity has not been fast enough to offset the overall effect of growing economies.
Current international policy approaches, which ignore trade, create strong incentives for countries to sit outside climate agreements and to take a free ride on benefits, not only in terms of climate change mitigation but also because of industry relocation.
「Getting serious about categorizing countries」Science 345, 34–36 (4 July 2014).
…potential benefits need to be weighed against the time and effort expended and the real risks of feeling under attack. Additional recognition of the value and importance of such activities among academic employers would also help.
T e challenge is to embrace the complexity of the situation, to acknowledge the uncertainty and the nuance, to welcome questions and investigation and show the process of climate science in good health. Online engagement would seem to be essential in this endeavour.
「Pause for thought」Nature Climate Change 4, 154–156 (March 2014)
After our fossil fuel blow-out, how long will the CO2 hangover last? And what about the global fever that comes along with it?
「Carbon is forever」Mason Inman, Nature Reports Climate Change (20 November 2008)
According to Status of Coral Reefs of the World: 2008, a synthesis report by hundreds of scientists and environmental managers, 19% of the world’s coral reefs have been lost since 1950 and another 35% are threatened or in critical condition.
Their analyses suggest that corals can ‘toughen up’ over the course of their lifetimes in response to environmental conditions.
A final, important piece of the puzzle is the corals’ symbiotic algae: these are shorter-lived and faster-evolving than their hosts, and research has shown that they can pass along thermal tolerance.
「Designer reefs」Amanda Mascarelli, Nature News Feature (23 April 2014)
In the meantime, the world’s output of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases has continued to rise. The level of CO2 in the atmosphere reached 396 parts per million in 2013, 42% higher than pre-industrial levels. Last year’s was the largest annual increase since 1984, according to figures reported on 9 September by the World Meteorological Organization in Geneva, Switzerland.
The challenge is formidable, says Nicholas Stern, a climate-change economist at the London School of Economics. By 2030, Stern says, the world must reduce its greenhouse-gas emissions by roughly 20% from the current level to have a chance of limiting warming to 2 °C above pre-industrial temperatures, the UNFCCC’s stated goal. Current emissions pledges put the world on track for a 3 °C warming by 2100, according to a 7 September report by PriceWaterhouseCoopers.
「Climate summit previewspush for new global treaty」
For the last decade for which data are available (2002–2011), fossil fuel emissions averaged 8.3 ± 0.4 billion metric tons of carbon per year (uncertainty is ± 1 standard deviation in estimate of decadal mean). Over the same time period, fossil fuel emissions grew with time at a rate of 3.1% per year since the year 2000. Deforestation and land-use change accounted for an additional source of 1.0 ± 0.5 billion metric tons of carbon per year.
データが利用可能な過去10年間(2002–2011年)において、化石燃料由来の排出量は年平均で83 ± 4億トン(炭素換算)であった。同期間には、2000年以来年率3.1%の割合で排出量が増加した。森林破壊と土地利用の変化が、年間10 ± 5億トン(炭素換算)のさらなる排出量を担った。
Once released to the air, these greenhouse gases persist in the atmosphere for years to decades or longer, and the climatic impact of past and current human greenhouse gas emissions are global in extent and will be with us for a long time to come.
The phenomenon of global warming should, more appropriately, be called ocean warming, as more than 80% of the added heat resides in the ocean. Direct measurements of ocean temperatures show warming beginning in about 1970 down to at least 700 m, with stronger warming near the surface leading to increased thermal stratification (or layering) of the water column over much of the global ocean. Deep ocean temperatures are also on the rise.
「Historical and Future Trends in Ocean Climate and Biogeochemistry」
Doney, S.C., Bopp, L., and Long, M.C. Oceanography 27, 108–119 (2014).
It is too early to draw firm conclusions on the net effect, but it is rather clear that ocean acidification will affect marine organisms and will cause change.
While ocean acidification has been recognized as a topic of high research priority leading to a crescendo of studies, deoxygenation has not reached that level of recognition.
But what is really missing is the joint perspective, where the full and synergistic effect of all three stressors acting at the same time is investigated.
「Warming up, turning sour, losing breath: ocean biogeochemistry under global change」
Nicolas Gruber, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 369, 1980–1996 (2011).
Unless both groups take concerted action, stabilizing the climate will be impossible.
As economies mature, they become more efficient. But this improvement in energy intensity has not been fast enough to offset the overall effect of growing economies.
Current international policy approaches, which ignore trade, create strong incentives for countries to sit outside climate agreements and to take a free ride on benefits, not only in terms of climate change mitigation but also because of industry relocation.
「Getting serious about categorizing countries」Science 345, 34–36 (4 July 2014).
…potential benefits need to be weighed against the time and effort expended and the real risks of feeling under attack. Additional recognition of the value and importance of such activities among academic employers would also help.
T e challenge is to embrace the complexity of the situation, to acknowledge the uncertainty and the nuance, to welcome questions and investigation and show the process of climate science in good health. Online engagement would seem to be essential in this endeavour.
「Pause for thought」Nature Climate Change 4, 154–156 (March 2014)
After our fossil fuel blow-out, how long will the CO2 hangover last? And what about the global fever that comes along with it?
「Carbon is forever」Mason Inman, Nature Reports Climate Change (20 November 2008)
According to Status of Coral Reefs of the World: 2008, a synthesis report by hundreds of scientists and environmental managers, 19% of the world’s coral reefs have been lost since 1950 and another 35% are threatened or in critical condition.
Their analyses suggest that corals can ‘toughen up’ over the course of their lifetimes in response to environmental conditions.
A final, important piece of the puzzle is the corals’ symbiotic algae: these are shorter-lived and faster-evolving than their hosts, and research has shown that they can pass along thermal tolerance.
「Designer reefs」Amanda Mascarelli, Nature News Feature (23 April 2014)
In the meantime, the world’s output of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases has continued to rise. The level of CO2 in the atmosphere reached 396 parts per million in 2013, 42% higher than pre-industrial levels. Last year’s was the largest annual increase since 1984, according to figures reported on 9 September by the World Meteorological Organization in Geneva, Switzerland.
The challenge is formidable, says Nicholas Stern, a climate-change economist at the London School of Economics. By 2030, Stern says, the world must reduce its greenhouse-gas emissions by roughly 20% from the current level to have a chance of limiting warming to 2 °C above pre-industrial temperatures, the UNFCCC’s stated goal. Current emissions pledges put the world on track for a 3 °C warming by 2100, according to a 7 September report by PriceWaterhouseCoopers.
「Climate summit previewspush for new global treaty」
本川 達雄
著者は東大 理学部 生物学科卒の本川 達雄 氏。
本川 達雄
著者は東大 理学部 生物学科卒の本川 達雄 氏。
石 弘之
石 弘之
石 弘之
石 弘之
気になった一文集(English ver. No. 22)
The Northern Hemisphere jet stream flows from west to east at mid-latitudes; it deviates from a line of latitude through a series of ripples called Rossby waves. Regions above which the jet stream is flowing from the north are likely to experience cold weather. Conversely, in regions above which it flows from the south, the weather is likely to be relatively warm. The larger the amplitude of the Rossby waves, the more anomalous the weather is likely to be at the surface.
Anomalous latent heat release in the tropical West Pacific can produce a particularly strong Rossby wave response in the Northern Hemisphere. The phase of this Rossby wave response is consistent with the cold and snowy season seen in the U.S. Midwest and East Coast. If this line of argument is correct, the extremely cold and snowy season in parts of the United States may indeed have been caused at least in part by increased greenhouse gas concentrations.
Earth's climate is a complex system, and its response to some external forcing will not be linear. Because of this complexity, sophisticated climate models are needed to test the correctness and robustness of climate mechanisms. Running these models is computationally expensive but crucial for advancing understanding of current and future climate.
Current seasonal forecast models suggest that a new (warm) phase of the El Niño/Southern Oscillation phenomenon may begin later this year, when the trade winds will finally weaken. If an El Niño event is on the way, the hiatus period may be coming to a close. If so, the upside is that the residents of the U.S. Midwest will be much less likely to have to suffer very cold winters. The downside is that global temperatures are likely to start to rise again, with many undesirable consequences for humans across the planet. The only way to reduce the risks associated with man-made climate change, in Detroit or elsewhere, is to cut greenhouse gas emissions.
「Record-breaking winters and global climate change」Science 344, 803-804 “PERSPECTIVE”
Of the roughly 10 billion tonnes of carbon emitted each year from human activity, only around half remains in the atmosphere, with the rest being absorbed by the oceans and by plants on land. This CO2 sink has been growing steadily, but the situation could change as shifts in climate and human land use intensify.
Their results challenge the current consensus about what regulates atmospheric CO2 from year to year, and will prove invaluable as societies struggle to predict, and adapt to, changes in a world in which both atmospheric and ecological systems are moving into unfamiliar territory.
A switch in the type of ecosystem that controls atmospheric CO2 has major implications for the overall rate and pattern of climate change. First, different vegetation types may have different responses and sensitivities to disturbance. For example, Poulter et al. show that increased growth of vegetation in semi-arid ecosystems is linked not only to generally increasing levels of rainfall across these regions, but also to increasing sensitivity of the vegetation to rainfall. (…) Second, different types of ecosystem lock away absorbed CO2 for different lengths of time. Rainforests store much of their carbon in dense hardwoods, which may take many centuries to die and rot, whereas much of the CO2 absorbed across semi-arid regions is converted into relatively short-lived grasses and shrubs.
Although Poulter and colleagues use the best available models to support their conclusions, models are only as good as the data with which they are calibrated, and little information exists about vegetation in semi-arid ecosystems compared with other regions. Similarly, the pathways for CO2 once it has been absorbed into semi-arid vegetation remain poorly understood, so there are few solid data from which to assess the stability of the CO2 sink in such ecosystems.
Nevertheless, Poulter et al. make a key contribution in highlighting the crucial, and hitherto often overlooked, role of such ecosystems in the global carbon cycle, and in identifying several important processes, which should markedly improve our understanding of future atmospheric CO2 levels. Let us hope that their research stimulates more work on the ground to better understand and manage these fragile but essential ecosystems.
「A sink down under」Nature 509, 566–567 (29 May 2014). “NEWS & VIEWS”
Continuing uncertainty fuels the argument of those sceptical of global warming, that society should avoid acting on such ‘shaky’ science. Given that massive decarbonization could have major economic implications, this argument can seem compelling. But to ‘wait and see’ could trigger hugely dangerous impacts if temperatures increase to the higher end of predicted ranges.
Thermal lags could create false optimism, as a CO2 concentration unrecognized as dangerous may be reached a few decades before the full temperature implications are realized. Then, even if mitigation measures somehow reduced net CO2 emissions to near zero, the planet would take centuries to reset itself. Forewarned is forearmed when preparing for climate change.
「Refining global warming projections」Nature Climate Change 3, 704–705 (2013)
For either conventional CCS or BECCS, the cost must come down. Right now, CCS costs range from about $30 to $140 per ton of CO2, depending on the source from which it is captured, the capture technology, and the form of storage.
Capturing and storing 1 Gt of CO2 from the atmosphere using BECCS would require about 0.5 to 1 Gt of biomass (equivalent to 10 to 20 exajoules of primary energy). Concerns about whether this much biomass could be practically and sustainably harvested, dried, and collected at this scale without interfering with food production or negatively affecting other ecosystem services must be examined.
Negative-emissions technologies such as BECCS can be thought of as part of an insurance policy for climate change mitigation. This approach still leaves unanswered questions, but to not consider it carefully would be too risky.
「Negative-emissions insurance」Science 344, 1431 (27 June 2014) "Editorial"
Australia’s decision highlights the crude reality that political decision-making does not necessarily follow the logics of science and economics.
Australia, one of the world’s richest countries and a leading per capita carbon emitter, must do more to reassure the rest of the world that it is ready to join global efforts to tackle climate change. If it does not, it would send a devastating signal to rising economies such as China that will play a key part in negotiations leading up to an international climate agreement. These nations must be involved in global climate action, but they will hardly be persuaded to sign up if an industrial power the size of Australia falters.
「The wrong kind of carbon cut」Nature 511, 383 (22 July 2014) “Editorial”
Emissions from the Australian energy sector fell by 5% after the introduction of a carbon tax.
Australia’s total greenhouse-gas emissions — 538.4 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent in 2013, down 0.8% from 2012 — account for less than 1.5% of total global emissions. But owing to extensive use of coal in electricity generation, the country is one of the world’s largest polluters on a per capita basis.
…Australia’s U-turns on the carbon tax and other climate policies may discourage other nations from being as ambitious as they might have been, says Elliot Diringer.
”オーストラリアの炭素税とその他気候政策におけるUターンは、他の国家がこれまでのように(気候政策に対して)野心的であったことのやる気を失わせるかもしれない”と、Elliot Diringerは言う。
“The government’s relatively weak and ineffective action on climate change is not consistent with a fair contribution from Australia towards global efforts to avoid dangerous climate change,” says David Karoly.
”気候変化に対するオーストラリア政府の比較的弱い、非効果的な行動は、危険な気候変化を回避するための世界的な努力に対してオーストラリアが行っている寄与に見合わない”と、David Karolyは言う。
Economists think that carbon pricing is the most efficient way to cut emissions. But Michael Grubb, who studies energy and climate policies at University College London, says that this often ignores the political reality — where decision-making tends to follow voters’ immediate wishes and concerns.
経済学者は炭素価格はCO2排出を削減するのにもっとも効果的であると考えている。しかしユニヴァーシティ・カレッジ・ロンドンでエネルギー・気候政策を研究するMichael Grubbは、”それは政治における、「意思決定が投票者のつかの間の望みと関心に従う傾向がある」という真実をしばしば無視している”と言う。
「Anger as Australia dumps carbon tax」Nature 511, 392 (24 July 2014) “Nature NEWS”
Anomalous latent heat release in the tropical West Pacific can produce a particularly strong Rossby wave response in the Northern Hemisphere. The phase of this Rossby wave response is consistent with the cold and snowy season seen in the U.S. Midwest and East Coast. If this line of argument is correct, the extremely cold and snowy season in parts of the United States may indeed have been caused at least in part by increased greenhouse gas concentrations.
Earth's climate is a complex system, and its response to some external forcing will not be linear. Because of this complexity, sophisticated climate models are needed to test the correctness and robustness of climate mechanisms. Running these models is computationally expensive but crucial for advancing understanding of current and future climate.
Current seasonal forecast models suggest that a new (warm) phase of the El Niño/Southern Oscillation phenomenon may begin later this year, when the trade winds will finally weaken. If an El Niño event is on the way, the hiatus period may be coming to a close. If so, the upside is that the residents of the U.S. Midwest will be much less likely to have to suffer very cold winters. The downside is that global temperatures are likely to start to rise again, with many undesirable consequences for humans across the planet. The only way to reduce the risks associated with man-made climate change, in Detroit or elsewhere, is to cut greenhouse gas emissions.
「Record-breaking winters and global climate change」Science 344, 803-804 “PERSPECTIVE”
Of the roughly 10 billion tonnes of carbon emitted each year from human activity, only around half remains in the atmosphere, with the rest being absorbed by the oceans and by plants on land. This CO2 sink has been growing steadily, but the situation could change as shifts in climate and human land use intensify.
Their results challenge the current consensus about what regulates atmospheric CO2 from year to year, and will prove invaluable as societies struggle to predict, and adapt to, changes in a world in which both atmospheric and ecological systems are moving into unfamiliar territory.
A switch in the type of ecosystem that controls atmospheric CO2 has major implications for the overall rate and pattern of climate change. First, different vegetation types may have different responses and sensitivities to disturbance. For example, Poulter et al. show that increased growth of vegetation in semi-arid ecosystems is linked not only to generally increasing levels of rainfall across these regions, but also to increasing sensitivity of the vegetation to rainfall. (…) Second, different types of ecosystem lock away absorbed CO2 for different lengths of time. Rainforests store much of their carbon in dense hardwoods, which may take many centuries to die and rot, whereas much of the CO2 absorbed across semi-arid regions is converted into relatively short-lived grasses and shrubs.
Although Poulter and colleagues use the best available models to support their conclusions, models are only as good as the data with which they are calibrated, and little information exists about vegetation in semi-arid ecosystems compared with other regions. Similarly, the pathways for CO2 once it has been absorbed into semi-arid vegetation remain poorly understood, so there are few solid data from which to assess the stability of the CO2 sink in such ecosystems.
Nevertheless, Poulter et al. make a key contribution in highlighting the crucial, and hitherto often overlooked, role of such ecosystems in the global carbon cycle, and in identifying several important processes, which should markedly improve our understanding of future atmospheric CO2 levels. Let us hope that their research stimulates more work on the ground to better understand and manage these fragile but essential ecosystems.
「A sink down under」Nature 509, 566–567 (29 May 2014). “NEWS & VIEWS”
Continuing uncertainty fuels the argument of those sceptical of global warming, that society should avoid acting on such ‘shaky’ science. Given that massive decarbonization could have major economic implications, this argument can seem compelling. But to ‘wait and see’ could trigger hugely dangerous impacts if temperatures increase to the higher end of predicted ranges.
Thermal lags could create false optimism, as a CO2 concentration unrecognized as dangerous may be reached a few decades before the full temperature implications are realized. Then, even if mitigation measures somehow reduced net CO2 emissions to near zero, the planet would take centuries to reset itself. Forewarned is forearmed when preparing for climate change.
「Refining global warming projections」Nature Climate Change 3, 704–705 (2013)
For either conventional CCS or BECCS, the cost must come down. Right now, CCS costs range from about $30 to $140 per ton of CO2, depending on the source from which it is captured, the capture technology, and the form of storage.
Capturing and storing 1 Gt of CO2 from the atmosphere using BECCS would require about 0.5 to 1 Gt of biomass (equivalent to 10 to 20 exajoules of primary energy). Concerns about whether this much biomass could be practically and sustainably harvested, dried, and collected at this scale without interfering with food production or negatively affecting other ecosystem services must be examined.
Negative-emissions technologies such as BECCS can be thought of as part of an insurance policy for climate change mitigation. This approach still leaves unanswered questions, but to not consider it carefully would be too risky.
「Negative-emissions insurance」Science 344, 1431 (27 June 2014) "Editorial"
Australia’s decision highlights the crude reality that political decision-making does not necessarily follow the logics of science and economics.
Australia, one of the world’s richest countries and a leading per capita carbon emitter, must do more to reassure the rest of the world that it is ready to join global efforts to tackle climate change. If it does not, it would send a devastating signal to rising economies such as China that will play a key part in negotiations leading up to an international climate agreement. These nations must be involved in global climate action, but they will hardly be persuaded to sign up if an industrial power the size of Australia falters.
「The wrong kind of carbon cut」Nature 511, 383 (22 July 2014) “Editorial”
Emissions from the Australian energy sector fell by 5% after the introduction of a carbon tax.
Australia’s total greenhouse-gas emissions — 538.4 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent in 2013, down 0.8% from 2012 — account for less than 1.5% of total global emissions. But owing to extensive use of coal in electricity generation, the country is one of the world’s largest polluters on a per capita basis.
…Australia’s U-turns on the carbon tax and other climate policies may discourage other nations from being as ambitious as they might have been, says Elliot Diringer.
”オーストラリアの炭素税とその他気候政策におけるUターンは、他の国家がこれまでのように(気候政策に対して)野心的であったことのやる気を失わせるかもしれない”と、Elliot Diringerは言う。
“The government’s relatively weak and ineffective action on climate change is not consistent with a fair contribution from Australia towards global efforts to avoid dangerous climate change,” says David Karoly.
”気候変化に対するオーストラリア政府の比較的弱い、非効果的な行動は、危険な気候変化を回避するための世界的な努力に対してオーストラリアが行っている寄与に見合わない”と、David Karolyは言う。
Economists think that carbon pricing is the most efficient way to cut emissions. But Michael Grubb, who studies energy and climate policies at University College London, says that this often ignores the political reality — where decision-making tends to follow voters’ immediate wishes and concerns.
経済学者は炭素価格はCO2排出を削減するのにもっとも効果的であると考えている。しかしユニヴァーシティ・カレッジ・ロンドンでエネルギー・気候政策を研究するMichael Grubbは、”それは政治における、「意思決定が投票者のつかの間の望みと関心に従う傾向がある」という真実をしばしば無視している”と言う。
「Anger as Australia dumps carbon tax」Nature 511, 392 (24 July 2014) “Nature NEWS”
Sea level and climate forcing of the Sr isotope composition of late Miocene Mediterranean marine basins
T. F. Schildgen, D. Cosentino, G. Frijia, F. Castorina, F. Ö. Dudas, A. Iadanza, G. Sampalmieri, P. Cipollari, A. Caruso, S. A. Bowring, M. R. Strecker
中新世(Miocene)の地中海の閉鎖環境を堆積物コア中のカキや有孔虫の87/86Srから復元。全球の平均的な値からかなり低い値をとる時期(Messinian Salinity Crisisなど)は、海水準が低下していたか、テクトニクスの変動時期と一致していることが分かった。特に地中海に流れ込む河川水の影響が大きいと考えられている。
Deciphering bottom current velocity and paleoclimate signals from contourite deposits in the Gulf of Cádiz during the last 140 kyr: An inorganic geochemical approach
André Bahr, Francisco J. Jiménez-Espejo, Nada Kolasinac, Patrick Grunert, F. Javier Hernández-Molina, Ursula Röhl, Antje H.L. Voelker, Carlota Escutia, Dorrik A.V. Stow, David Hodell, Carlos A. Alvarez-Zarikian
Distribution and vegetation reconstruction of the deserts of northern China during the mid-Holocene
Qin Li, Haibin Wu, Zhengtang Guo, Yanyan Yu, Junyi Ge, Jianyu Wu, Deai Zhao, Aizhi Sun
Attributing the increase in Northern Hemisphere hot summers since the late 20th century
Youichi Kamae, Hideo Shiogama, Masahiro Watanabe, Masahide Kimoto
Seasonal radiocarbon and oxygen isotopes in a Galapagos coral: Calibration with climate indices
Ellen R.M. Druffel, Sheila M. Griffin, Danielle Glynn, Robert B. Dunbar, Dave Muciarone, J. Robert Toggweiler
ガラパゴス諸島で得られたコモンシコロサンゴ(Pavona clavus)の1939–1954年にかけての季節変動レベルのΔ14C・δ18O記録を報告。既に年スケール・数年スケールの良いENSO指標になることが知られていたが、季節変動レベルでも逆相関の関係が見られた。Δ14Cに2ヶ月のラグを考慮するともっとも良い相関となることも分かった(物理メカニズムは依然として不明)。PDOに伴い赤道において湧昇する水の混合比が変化したことも分かった(北 v.s. 南)。
Evidence for long-term memory in sea level
Sönke Dangendorf, Diego Rybski, Christoph Mudersbach, Alfred Müller, Edgar Kaufmann, Eduardo Zorita, Jürgen Jensen
海水準変動には温度と塩分の効果による成分(steric component)が含まれるため、ある地域では数十年の周期で変動することが知られている。100年ほどの歴史がある世界60点の検潮所の記録から評価を行ったところ、数十年の変動成分に加えて、長期トレンドが確認された。長期トレンドは氷河や氷帽の後退の観測から期待される海水準上昇量とも整合的であった。
Upper atmosphere cooling over the past 33 years
Y. Ogawa, T. Motoba, S. C. Buchert, I. Häggström, S. Nozawa
Dense shelf water production in the Adélie Depression, East Antarctica, 2004-2012: Impact of the Mertz Glacier calving
Maité Lacarra, Marie-Noëlle Houssais, Christophe Herbaut, Emmanuelle Sultan, Mickael Beauverger
Twentieth century sea surface temperature and salinity variations at Timor inferred from paired coral δ18O and Sr/Ca measurements
Sri Yudawati Cahyarini, Miriam Pfeiffer, Intan Suci Nurhati, Edvin Aldrian, Wolf-Christian Dullo, Steffen Hetzinger
Decadal (1994–2008) change in the carbon isotope ratio in the eastern South Pacific Ocean
Young Ho Ko, Kitack Lee, Paul D. Quay, Richard A. Feely
Climate of the Past
Persistent decadal-scale rainfall variability in the tropical South Pacific Convergence Zone through the past six centuries
C. R. Maupin, J. W. Partin, C.-C. Shen, T. M. Quinn, K. Lin, F. W. Taylor, J. L. Banner, K. Thirumalai, and D. J. Sinclair
ソロモン諸島で得られた鍾乳石のδ18Oから過去600年間のSPCZ(South Pacific Convergence Zone:南太平洋収束帯)変動に伴う降水量の変動を復元。太平洋数十年規模変動(PDV)に関連した数十年スケールの大きな変動が確認された。
Sea level and climate forcing of the Sr isotope composition of late Miocene Mediterranean marine basins
T. F. Schildgen, D. Cosentino, G. Frijia, F. Castorina, F. Ö. Dudas, A. Iadanza, G. Sampalmieri, P. Cipollari, A. Caruso, S. A. Bowring, M. R. Strecker
中新世(Miocene)の地中海の閉鎖環境を堆積物コア中のカキや有孔虫の87/86Srから復元。全球の平均的な値からかなり低い値をとる時期(Messinian Salinity Crisisなど)は、海水準が低下していたか、テクトニクスの変動時期と一致していることが分かった。特に地中海に流れ込む河川水の影響が大きいと考えられている。
Deciphering bottom current velocity and paleoclimate signals from contourite deposits in the Gulf of Cádiz during the last 140 kyr: An inorganic geochemical approach
André Bahr, Francisco J. Jiménez-Espejo, Nada Kolasinac, Patrick Grunert, F. Javier Hernández-Molina, Ursula Röhl, Antje H.L. Voelker, Carlota Escutia, Dorrik A.V. Stow, David Hodell, Carlos A. Alvarez-Zarikian
Distribution and vegetation reconstruction of the deserts of northern China during the mid-Holocene
Qin Li, Haibin Wu, Zhengtang Guo, Yanyan Yu, Junyi Ge, Jianyu Wu, Deai Zhao, Aizhi Sun
Attributing the increase in Northern Hemisphere hot summers since the late 20th century
Youichi Kamae, Hideo Shiogama, Masahiro Watanabe, Masahide Kimoto
Seasonal radiocarbon and oxygen isotopes in a Galapagos coral: Calibration with climate indices
Ellen R.M. Druffel, Sheila M. Griffin, Danielle Glynn, Robert B. Dunbar, Dave Muciarone, J. Robert Toggweiler
ガラパゴス諸島で得られたコモンシコロサンゴ(Pavona clavus)の1939–1954年にかけての季節変動レベルのΔ14C・δ18O記録を報告。既に年スケール・数年スケールの良いENSO指標になることが知られていたが、季節変動レベルでも逆相関の関係が見られた。Δ14Cに2ヶ月のラグを考慮するともっとも良い相関となることも分かった(物理メカニズムは依然として不明)。PDOに伴い赤道において湧昇する水の混合比が変化したことも分かった(北 v.s. 南)。
Evidence for long-term memory in sea level
Sönke Dangendorf, Diego Rybski, Christoph Mudersbach, Alfred Müller, Edgar Kaufmann, Eduardo Zorita, Jürgen Jensen
海水準変動には温度と塩分の効果による成分(steric component)が含まれるため、ある地域では数十年の周期で変動することが知られている。100年ほどの歴史がある世界60点の検潮所の記録から評価を行ったところ、数十年の変動成分に加えて、長期トレンドが確認された。長期トレンドは氷河や氷帽の後退の観測から期待される海水準上昇量とも整合的であった。
Upper atmosphere cooling over the past 33 years
Y. Ogawa, T. Motoba, S. C. Buchert, I. Häggström, S. Nozawa
Dense shelf water production in the Adélie Depression, East Antarctica, 2004-2012: Impact of the Mertz Glacier calving
Maité Lacarra, Marie-Noëlle Houssais, Christophe Herbaut, Emmanuelle Sultan, Mickael Beauverger
Twentieth century sea surface temperature and salinity variations at Timor inferred from paired coral δ18O and Sr/Ca measurements
Sri Yudawati Cahyarini, Miriam Pfeiffer, Intan Suci Nurhati, Edvin Aldrian, Wolf-Christian Dullo, Steffen Hetzinger
Decadal (1994–2008) change in the carbon isotope ratio in the eastern South Pacific Ocean
Young Ho Ko, Kitack Lee, Paul D. Quay, Richard A. Feely
Climate of the Past
Persistent decadal-scale rainfall variability in the tropical South Pacific Convergence Zone through the past six centuries
C. R. Maupin, J. W. Partin, C.-C. Shen, T. M. Quinn, K. Lin, F. W. Taylor, J. L. Banner, K. Thirumalai, and D. J. Sinclair
ソロモン諸島で得られた鍾乳石のδ18Oから過去600年間のSPCZ(South Pacific Convergence Zone:南太平洋収束帯)変動に伴う降水量の変動を復元。太平洋数十年規模変動(PDV)に関連した数十年スケールの大きな変動が確認された。
『理科系の作文技術』(木下是男, 1981, 中公新書)
杉原 厚吉
木下 是男
杉原 厚吉
北大西洋にもたらされる鉄の起源(Conway & John, 2014, Nature)
Quantification of dissolved iron sources to the North Atlantic Ocean
Tim M. Conway & Seth G. John
Nature 511, 212–215 (10 JULY 2014).
Fingerprints of a trace nutrient
Joseph A. Resing & Pamela M. Barrett
Nature 511, 164–165 (10 JULY 2014).
Tim M. Conway & Seth G. John
Nature 511, 212–215 (10 JULY 2014).
Fingerprints of a trace nutrient
Joseph A. Resing & Pamela M. Barrett
Nature 511, 164–165 (10 JULY 2014).
北太平洋亜熱帯域のCO2吸収量の時系列変化(杉本&平石, 2009, 2010, 測候時報)
杉本 裕之, 平石 直孝
測候時報 77, S159-S187 (2010).
杉本 裕之, 平石 直孝
測候時報 76, S171-S187 (2009).
杉本 裕之, 平石 直孝
測候時報 77, S159-S187 (2010).
杉本 裕之, 平石 直孝
測候時報 76, S171-S187 (2009).
ちなみに、杉本&平石(2009, 2010)の解析データは気象庁のホームページの交換量推定のもとにもなっている。
ちなみに、杉本&平石(2009, 2010)の解析データは気象庁のホームページの交換量推定のもとにもなっている。
興味深い英語表現(No. 2)
terra firma
Ring of Fire
top banana
[3 人で演ずる笑劇でうまい警句を言った役者にバナナが与えられる慣習から]
in the small hours of
all-time high/low
Pipe dream
by and large
order of the day
be glued to
the here and now
in hingdsight
forewarned is forearmed
heavy sea
blood vial
go out of one's way to ~
better late than never
drink like a fish
[動詞] 配置(持ち場)に付く
[名詞] ものの表面を覆うもの
i.e. a mantle of snow: 雪で覆われる
Ring of Fire
top banana
[3 人で演ずる笑劇でうまい警句を言った役者にバナナが与えられる慣習から]
in the small hours of
all-time high/low
Pipe dream
by and large
be glued to
the here and now
in hingdsight
forewarned is forearmed
heavy sea
blood vial
go out of one's way to ~
better late than never
drink like a fish
[動詞] 配置(持ち場)に付く
[名詞] ものの表面を覆うもの
i.e. a mantle of snow: 雪で覆われる
rain cats and dogs
rain cats and dogs
Earth and Planetary Science Letters
Labrador current variability over the last 2000 years
M.-A. Sicre , K. Weckström , M.-S. Seidenkrantz , A. Kuijpers , M. Benetti , G. Masse , U. Ezat , S. Schmidt , I. Bouloubassi , J. Olsen , M. Khodri , J. Mignot
北西大西洋から得られた堆積物コアのアルケノンから過去2,000年間のSSTを復元。ラブラドル海流と北半球環状モード(Northern Annular Mode, NAM)との間の強い関係性が認められた。
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
Temperature limits for preservation of primary calcite clumped isotope paleotemperatures
Gregory A. Henkes , Benjamin H. Passey , Ethan L. Grossman , Brock J. Shenton , Alberto Pérez-Huerta , Thomas E. Yancey
化石の腕足類のカルサイト殻中の結晶のC-Oの再配列(reordering)によってclumped isotope絶対温度計が変質していることが報告されている。室内実験において腕足動物の殻を異なる温度で加熱することからも確認されたが、それによって得られたアレニウスの予測式(Arrhenius parameter)を用いて、古生代の地層に埋没した腕足動物殻が経験した熱史を復元することができた。100℃以下、106-8以下の時間スケールであればほとんど問題ないらしい。
Marine Geology
Deposition of sediments of diverse sizes by the 2011 Tohoku-oki tsunami at Miyako City, Japan
Masaki Yamada , Shigehiro Fujino , Kazuhisa Goto
Sedimentation patterns off the Zambezi River over the last 20,000 years
Jeroen.J.L. van der Lubbe , Rik Tjallingii , Maarten A. Prins , Geert-Jan A. Brummer , Simon J.A. Jung , Dick Kroon , Ralph R. Schneider
Chemical Geology
Methane sources and sinks in the subtropical South Pacific along 17°S as traced by stable isotope ratios
Chisato Yoshikawa , Elena Hayashi , Keita Yamada , Osamu Yoshida , Sakae Toyoda , Naohiro Yoshida
Records of trace metals in sediments from the Oregon shelf and slope: Investigating the occurrence of hypoxia over the past several thousand years
Andrea M. Erhardt , Clare E. Reimers , David Kadko , Adina Paytan
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
The role of North Brazil Current transport in the paleoclimate of the Brazilian Nordeste margin and paleoceanography of the western tropical Atlantic during the late Quaternary
Trevor E. Nace , Paul A. Baker , Gary S. Dwyer , Cleverson G. Silva , Catherine A. Rigsby , Stephen J. Burns , Liviu Giosan , Bette Otto-Bliesner , Zhengyu Liu , Jiang Zhu
Quaternary Science Reviews
Abrupt variations of Indian and East Asian summer monsoons during the last deglacial stadial and interstadial
Bing Hong , Yetang Hong , Masao Uchida , Yasuyuki Shibata , Cheng Cai , Haijun Peng , Yongxuan Zhu , Yu Wang , Linggui Yuan
East Antarctic deglaciation and the link to global cooling during the Quaternary: evidence from glacial geomorphology and 10Be surface exposure dating of the Sør Rondane Mountains, Dronning Maud Land
Yusuke Suganuma , Hideki Miura , Albert Zondervan , Jun'ichi Okuno
東南極氷床のDronning Maud Landにおける10Be表面照射年代測定の結果とGIAモデルから、氷床の融解史を推定。更新世を通して東南極氷床が少なくとも500m厚くなったことが示唆。また最終退氷期には14ka以降に氷表面の高度が50m低下したことが示唆(従ってMWP-1aへの寄与は考えにくい)。
Variations in water level for Lake Turkana in the past 8500 years near Mt. Porr, Kenya and the transition from the African Humid Period to Holocene aridity
Steven L. Forman , David K. Wright , Christopher Bloszies
完新世のアフリカ湿潤期においてはケニアのトゥルカナ湖(Lake Turkana)の水位が今よりも80m高く、特に8.5-4.5kaには数百年の間に50m以上の規模で変動していたことが知られている。インド洋・大西洋の海洋表層水温上昇とモンスーンの強化が水位上昇とよく一致していることが示唆。
Quaternary Geochronology
Testing the precision and accuracy of the U-Th chronometer for dating coral mortality events in the last 100 years
Tara R. Clark , George Roff , Jian-xin Zhao , Yue-xing Feng , Terence J. Done , John M. Pandolfi
Labrador current variability over the last 2000 years
M.-A. Sicre , K. Weckström , M.-S. Seidenkrantz , A. Kuijpers , M. Benetti , G. Masse , U. Ezat , S. Schmidt , I. Bouloubassi , J. Olsen , M. Khodri , J. Mignot
北西大西洋から得られた堆積物コアのアルケノンから過去2,000年間のSSTを復元。ラブラドル海流と北半球環状モード(Northern Annular Mode, NAM)との間の強い関係性が認められた。
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
Temperature limits for preservation of primary calcite clumped isotope paleotemperatures
Gregory A. Henkes , Benjamin H. Passey , Ethan L. Grossman , Brock J. Shenton , Alberto Pérez-Huerta , Thomas E. Yancey
化石の腕足類のカルサイト殻中の結晶のC-Oの再配列(reordering)によってclumped isotope絶対温度計が変質していることが報告されている。室内実験において腕足動物の殻を異なる温度で加熱することからも確認されたが、それによって得られたアレニウスの予測式(Arrhenius parameter)を用いて、古生代の地層に埋没した腕足動物殻が経験した熱史を復元することができた。100℃以下、106-8以下の時間スケールであればほとんど問題ないらしい。
Marine Geology
Deposition of sediments of diverse sizes by the 2011 Tohoku-oki tsunami at Miyako City, Japan
Masaki Yamada , Shigehiro Fujino , Kazuhisa Goto
Sedimentation patterns off the Zambezi River over the last 20,000 years
Jeroen.J.L. van der Lubbe , Rik Tjallingii , Maarten A. Prins , Geert-Jan A. Brummer , Simon J.A. Jung , Dick Kroon , Ralph R. Schneider
Chemical Geology
Methane sources and sinks in the subtropical South Pacific along 17°S as traced by stable isotope ratios
Chisato Yoshikawa , Elena Hayashi , Keita Yamada , Osamu Yoshida , Sakae Toyoda , Naohiro Yoshida
Records of trace metals in sediments from the Oregon shelf and slope: Investigating the occurrence of hypoxia over the past several thousand years
Andrea M. Erhardt , Clare E. Reimers , David Kadko , Adina Paytan
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
The role of North Brazil Current transport in the paleoclimate of the Brazilian Nordeste margin and paleoceanography of the western tropical Atlantic during the late Quaternary
Trevor E. Nace , Paul A. Baker , Gary S. Dwyer , Cleverson G. Silva , Catherine A. Rigsby , Stephen J. Burns , Liviu Giosan , Bette Otto-Bliesner , Zhengyu Liu , Jiang Zhu
Quaternary Science Reviews
Abrupt variations of Indian and East Asian summer monsoons during the last deglacial stadial and interstadial
Bing Hong , Yetang Hong , Masao Uchida , Yasuyuki Shibata , Cheng Cai , Haijun Peng , Yongxuan Zhu , Yu Wang , Linggui Yuan
East Antarctic deglaciation and the link to global cooling during the Quaternary: evidence from glacial geomorphology and 10Be surface exposure dating of the Sør Rondane Mountains, Dronning Maud Land
Yusuke Suganuma , Hideki Miura , Albert Zondervan , Jun'ichi Okuno
東南極氷床のDronning Maud Landにおける10Be表面照射年代測定の結果とGIAモデルから、氷床の融解史を推定。更新世を通して東南極氷床が少なくとも500m厚くなったことが示唆。また最終退氷期には14ka以降に氷表面の高度が50m低下したことが示唆(従ってMWP-1aへの寄与は考えにくい)。
Variations in water level for Lake Turkana in the past 8500 years near Mt. Porr, Kenya and the transition from the African Humid Period to Holocene aridity
Steven L. Forman , David K. Wright , Christopher Bloszies
完新世のアフリカ湿潤期においてはケニアのトゥルカナ湖(Lake Turkana)の水位が今よりも80m高く、特に8.5-4.5kaには数百年の間に50m以上の規模で変動していたことが知られている。インド洋・大西洋の海洋表層水温上昇とモンスーンの強化が水位上昇とよく一致していることが示唆。
Quaternary Geochronology
Testing the precision and accuracy of the U-Th chronometer for dating coral mortality events in the last 100 years
Tara R. Clark , George Roff , Jian-xin Zhao , Yue-xing Feng , Terence J. Done , John M. Pandolfi
なぜ海洋島のサンゴ礁は姿を変えるのか?(Blanchon et al., 2014, SR)
Postglacial Fringing-Reef to Barrier-Reef conversion on Tahiti links Darwin’s reef types
Paul Blanchon, Marian Granados-Corea, Elizabeth Abbey, Juan C. Braga, Colin Braithwaite, David M. Kennedy, Tom Spencer, Jody M. Webster & Colin D. Woodroffe
Paul Blanchon, Marian Granados-Corea, Elizabeth Abbey, Juan C. Braga, Colin Braithwaite, David M. Kennedy, Tom Spencer, Jody M. Webster & Colin D. Woodroffe
Scientific Reports 4, doi:10.1038/srep04997 (2014).
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ナショナルジオグラフィックより |
Rhizon sampler alteration of deep ocean sediment interstitial water samples, as indicated by chloride concentration and oxygen and hydrogen isotopes
Madeline D. Miller, Jess F. Adkins, David A. Hodell
To what extent can interannual CO2 variability constrain carbon cycle sensitivity to climate change in CMIP5 Earth System Models?
Jun Wang, Ning Zeng, Yimin Liu, Qing Bao
Climate variability features of the last interglacial in the East Antarctic EPICA Dome C ice core
K. Pol, V. Masson-Delmotte, O. Cattani, M. Debret, S. Falourd, J. Jouzel, A. Landais, B. Minster, M. Mudelsee, M. Schulz, B. Stenni
間氷期には千年スケールの気候変動があることが完新世においては広く知られているが、それより以前の間氷期には高解像度の記録が乏しいことからよく分かっていない。南極Dome Cアイスコアから得られた気温指標(δD)から、MIS5において短周期の変動が確認された。特にMIS11において確認されていたように、他の間氷期でも氷河化(glacial inception)に向かう以前には特に大きな変動が見られた。またMIS5の変動は完新世のそれよりも振幅が大きく、温暖な状態で東南極氷床が大きく変動していた可能性が示唆される。
Relationships between total alkalinity in surface water and sea surface dynamic height in the Pacific Ocean
Yusuke Takatani, Kazutaka Enyo, Yosuke Iida, Atsushi Kojima, Toshiya Nakano, Daisuke Sasano, Naohiro Kosugi, Takashi Midorikawa, Toru Suzuki, Masao Ishii
海洋表層水のアルカリ度は温度と塩分で近似できることが知られるが、北太平洋においてはその限りではない。塩分と海面高度(sea surface dynamic height)で経験的に近似できることを提案。
Trends in Southern Hemisphere wind-driven circulation in CMIP5 models over the 21st century: Ozone recovery versus greenhouse forcing
Guojian Wang, Wenju Cai, Ariaan Purich
Rhizon sampler alteration of deep ocean sediment interstitial water samples, as indicated by chloride concentration and oxygen and hydrogen isotopes
Madeline D. Miller, Jess F. Adkins, David A. Hodell
To what extent can interannual CO2 variability constrain carbon cycle sensitivity to climate change in CMIP5 Earth System Models?
Jun Wang, Ning Zeng, Yimin Liu, Qing Bao
Climate variability features of the last interglacial in the East Antarctic EPICA Dome C ice core
K. Pol, V. Masson-Delmotte, O. Cattani, M. Debret, S. Falourd, J. Jouzel, A. Landais, B. Minster, M. Mudelsee, M. Schulz, B. Stenni
間氷期には千年スケールの気候変動があることが完新世においては広く知られているが、それより以前の間氷期には高解像度の記録が乏しいことからよく分かっていない。南極Dome Cアイスコアから得られた気温指標(δD)から、MIS5において短周期の変動が確認された。特にMIS11において確認されていたように、他の間氷期でも氷河化(glacial inception)に向かう以前には特に大きな変動が見られた。またMIS5の変動は完新世のそれよりも振幅が大きく、温暖な状態で東南極氷床が大きく変動していた可能性が示唆される。
Relationships between total alkalinity in surface water and sea surface dynamic height in the Pacific Ocean
Yusuke Takatani, Kazutaka Enyo, Yosuke Iida, Atsushi Kojima, Toshiya Nakano, Daisuke Sasano, Naohiro Kosugi, Takashi Midorikawa, Toru Suzuki, Masao Ishii
海洋表層水のアルカリ度は温度と塩分で近似できることが知られるが、北太平洋においてはその限りではない。塩分と海面高度(sea surface dynamic height)で経験的に近似できることを提案。
Trends in Southern Hemisphere wind-driven circulation in CMIP5 models over the 21st century: Ozone recovery versus greenhouse forcing
Guojian Wang, Wenju Cai, Ariaan Purich
14' JpGU Conference
Last week I attended at "JpGU Conference 2014(2014年度地球惑星科学連合大会)" held at the Pacifico Yokohama (パシフィコ横浜), Japan.
The conference has been held at Makuhari(幕張) every year, but in Yokohama this time as a first attempt.
It is the bay area of Yokohama (Minatomirai; みなとみらい), and many people enjoy shopping and sightseeing. It is completely different from Makuhari area surrounded by large exhibition halls.
I, and other attendees, enjoyed not only the conference but also a scenery view there!
As the conference was from Monday to Friday and started from 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. every day, I felt exhausted when it finished.
But it was great opportunity to listen to excellent presentations by leading Japanese scientists (Dr. Okouchi, N., Abe-Ouchi, A., Kawamura, K., and so on) and to see many old friends, young graduate course students and newcomers whom I met for the first time.
My presentation was from 9:00 on Thursday, thus I was a first presenter of the session (Ecosystems in tropical/subtropical regions and its material cycles).
The presentation title was "Ocean acidification in northwestern Japan and its relation to biocalcification process inferred from d11B measurements of long-lived Ogasawaran (小笠原) coral".
I was surprised that many people was there in spite of early in the morning.
As I applied to "Student Presentation Award", I'm very anxious about the result.
The conference has been held at Makuhari(幕張) every year, but in Yokohama this time as a first attempt.
It is the bay area of Yokohama (Minatomirai; みなとみらい), and many people enjoy shopping and sightseeing. It is completely different from Makuhari area surrounded by large exhibition halls.
I, and other attendees, enjoyed not only the conference but also a scenery view there!
As the conference was from Monday to Friday and started from 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. every day, I felt exhausted when it finished.
But it was great opportunity to listen to excellent presentations by leading Japanese scientists (Dr. Okouchi, N., Abe-Ouchi, A., Kawamura, K., and so on) and to see many old friends, young graduate course students and newcomers whom I met for the first time.
My presentation was from 9:00 on Thursday, thus I was a first presenter of the session (Ecosystems in tropical/subtropical regions and its material cycles).
The presentation title was "Ocean acidification in northwestern Japan and its relation to biocalcification process inferred from d11B measurements of long-lived Ogasawaran (小笠原) coral".
I was surprised that many people was there in spite of early in the morning.
As I applied to "Student Presentation Award", I'm very anxious about the result.
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In the last day, beer and me (in front of the AORI information booth). |
By the way, there was a German festival near the conference hall (Red Brick Warehouse; 赤レンガ倉庫), and I enjoyed German beer with sound songs and enthusiasms!
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German beer festival! |
気になった一文集(English ver. No. 21)
…as the latest instalment of the IPCC’s Fifth Assessment Report — covering climate impacts, adaptation and vulnerability — makes all too clear, humanity has a long way to go in preparing for the effects that are already inevitable owing to our history, let alone for a future in which emissions continue to rise.
The report documents a range of potential impacts, from reduced agricultural yields to increased water shortages and often-unpredictable stresses on ecosystems around the globe. None of these comes as a surprise, and citizens and policy-makers would be wise to act sooner rather than later.
…this is not just a report about climate impacts. It is a comprehensive assessment of the state of the world in which we live and the direction in which it is inevitably headed.
Scientists have their work cut out. They must continue to collect data about the ever-changing world while seeking to understand how diverse landscapes — both wild and tamed — will respond to global warming. And they must drill down to the regional level to help governments and people to make good decisions.
But to make it all come together, scientists and policy-makers urgently need to invest extra resources to improve environmental observations and to determine what actions make the most sense.
「Brace for impacts」Nature 508, 7 (03 April 2014) "Editorial"
The latest report on climate impacts from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) sounds a familiar warning: Climate change is already stressing human communities, agriculture, and natural ecosystems, and the effects are likely to increase in the future. But unlike the last edition, issued in 2007, this year's report is meant to be a practical guide to action. It goes out of its way to highlight the greatest risks, and draws on an emerging body of social science to suggest how policymakers might take practical steps to help communities adapt.
This installment details how the buildup of carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere is affecting thousands of species, reducing farm yields, and threatening marine ecosystems with ocean acidification. For the future, the report says projections indicate "many more negative impacts than positive impacts."
And for the first time, the IPCC attempts to rank the threats. (…) These risks may have "potentially severe consequences for humans and social-ecological systems," the report says.
Eight Major Climate Risks
1. Death or harm from coastal flooding
2. Harm or economic losses from inland flooding
3. Extreme weather disrupting electrical, emergency, or other systems
4. Extreme heat, especially for the urban and rural poor
5. Food insecurity linked to warming, drought, or flooding
6. Water shortages causing agricultural or economic losses
7. Loss of marine ecosystems essential to fishing and other communities
8. Loss of terrestrial and inland water ecosystems
Costs of global adaptation have been estimated between $70 billion and $100 billion per year by 2050, although the IPCC found low confidence in those numbers. But the report says that "the projected global needs [are] orders of magnitude greater than current investment levels particularly in developing countries."
「In New Report, IPCC Gets More Specific About Warming Risks」Science 344, 21 (4 April 2014). "NEWS & ANALYSIS"
Although climate engineering may be important for managing climate risk, it cannot eliminate the long-term climate and geochemical risks posed by elevated CO2.
Air capture is neither a silver bullet nor a hopeless dream: It is simply another chemical engineering technology.
Although this is a distant prospect, it is important because it represents one of the few ways to remediate human impact on the carbon cycle, an impact that is otherwise all but
「Why Capture CO2 from the Atmosphere?」 Science 325, 1654-1655 (25 September 2009). "Perspective"
Compiled by hundreds of lead and reviewing authors over several years, the report warns that without substantial policy and technology changes, the world is heading towards dangerous temperature rises.
The report adds that to have a 50% chance of keeping the global surface-temperature increase below the UN target of 2 °C, humans must not release more than an additional 1,550 Gt of greenhouse gases before 2100. At current rates, that limit will be exceeded before 2050.
The IPCC also acknowledges that the renewable-energy industry is making substantial gains in performance and cost reductions. But it notes that growing global energy demand and an increase in coal’s share of the global fuel mix in recent years threaten to thwart mitigation efforts.
Nuclear power and environmentally safe geoengineering technologies, such as the removal of atmospheric CO2 and the capture and storage of carbon emissions, will all need to be considered, he says.
「原子力や環境に優しい地球工学技術(大気中CO2捕獲や炭素排出の捕獲・貯留)はすべて考慮されることになるだろう」と彼(Ottmar Edenhofer)は言う。
Robert Stavins, an environmental economist at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and a lead author of the IPCC report, emphasizes that the greatest challenges in mitigating the effects of climate change will be political, not technological.
マサチューセッツ州・ケンブリッジにあるハーバード大の環境経済学者Robert StavinsとIPCC報告書の筆頭著者らは、気候変化の影響を緩和することにおける最大の課題は技術的なものではなく、政治的なものであると強調する。
“The process forces policy-makers to really engage with the science underlying climate change,” says Peters. “Given the scale of the problem we’re facing, that’s good to know.”
「IPCC report under fire」Nature NEWS (15 April 2014)
Averting risky climate change "requires a fundamental transformation of the energy supply system," concludes a summary of the report from the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), released here on 13 April. And so far, humanity has "not done a lot" to achieve that goal, IPCC Chair Rajendra Pachauri told a press conference.
危険な気候変化を避けるには”エネルギー供給システムの根本的な変革が必要である”と、4/13に公表された国連の気候変化に関する政府間パネル(IPCC)による報告書の要約は結論づけている。「これまで、人類は目標を達成するために必要な”多くのことをやっていない”」とIPCC議長Rajendra Pachauriは記者会見の場で発言した。
Since the last assessment, economic growth and burgeoning global coal use have driven emissions ever higher. Global emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) or its equivalent were 7 billion tons greater between 2000 and 2010 than over the prior decade.
(…) the report suggests that aggressive efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions could have their own co-benefits. Stepped-up mitigation could, by cleaning the air, save the equivalent of 10 million lives by 2030 compared with a less aggressive scenario, concluded one study cited in the IPCC report. Another found that the monetary benefits of improved human health would roughly balance the cost of reducing emissions.
「More Sophisticated Forecasts Yield Glimmer of Hope in Climate Gloom」Science 344, 6181 (18 April 2014) “NEWS & ANALYSIS”
The report documents a range of potential impacts, from reduced agricultural yields to increased water shortages and often-unpredictable stresses on ecosystems around the globe. None of these comes as a surprise, and citizens and policy-makers would be wise to act sooner rather than later.
…this is not just a report about climate impacts. It is a comprehensive assessment of the state of the world in which we live and the direction in which it is inevitably headed.
Scientists have their work cut out. They must continue to collect data about the ever-changing world while seeking to understand how diverse landscapes — both wild and tamed — will respond to global warming. And they must drill down to the regional level to help governments and people to make good decisions.
But to make it all come together, scientists and policy-makers urgently need to invest extra resources to improve environmental observations and to determine what actions make the most sense.
「Brace for impacts」Nature 508, 7 (03 April 2014) "Editorial"
The latest report on climate impacts from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) sounds a familiar warning: Climate change is already stressing human communities, agriculture, and natural ecosystems, and the effects are likely to increase in the future. But unlike the last edition, issued in 2007, this year's report is meant to be a practical guide to action. It goes out of its way to highlight the greatest risks, and draws on an emerging body of social science to suggest how policymakers might take practical steps to help communities adapt.
This installment details how the buildup of carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere is affecting thousands of species, reducing farm yields, and threatening marine ecosystems with ocean acidification. For the future, the report says projections indicate "many more negative impacts than positive impacts."
And for the first time, the IPCC attempts to rank the threats. (…) These risks may have "potentially severe consequences for humans and social-ecological systems," the report says.
Eight Major Climate Risks
1. Death or harm from coastal flooding
2. Harm or economic losses from inland flooding
3. Extreme weather disrupting electrical, emergency, or other systems
4. Extreme heat, especially for the urban and rural poor
5. Food insecurity linked to warming, drought, or flooding
6. Water shortages causing agricultural or economic losses
7. Loss of marine ecosystems essential to fishing and other communities
8. Loss of terrestrial and inland water ecosystems
Costs of global adaptation have been estimated between $70 billion and $100 billion per year by 2050, although the IPCC found low confidence in those numbers. But the report says that "the projected global needs [are] orders of magnitude greater than current investment levels particularly in developing countries."
「In New Report, IPCC Gets More Specific About Warming Risks」Science 344, 21 (4 April 2014). "NEWS & ANALYSIS"
Although climate engineering may be important for managing climate risk, it cannot eliminate the long-term climate and geochemical risks posed by elevated CO2.
Air capture is neither a silver bullet nor a hopeless dream: It is simply another chemical engineering technology.
Although this is a distant prospect, it is important because it represents one of the few ways to remediate human impact on the carbon cycle, an impact that is otherwise all but
「Why Capture CO2 from the Atmosphere?」 Science 325, 1654-1655 (25 September 2009). "Perspective"
The report adds that to have a 50% chance of keeping the global surface-temperature increase below the UN target of 2 °C, humans must not release more than an additional 1,550 Gt of greenhouse gases before 2100. At current rates, that limit will be exceeded before 2050.
The IPCC also acknowledges that the renewable-energy industry is making substantial gains in performance and cost reductions. But it notes that growing global energy demand and an increase in coal’s share of the global fuel mix in recent years threaten to thwart mitigation efforts.
Nuclear power and environmentally safe geoengineering technologies, such as the removal of atmospheric CO2 and the capture and storage of carbon emissions, will all need to be considered, he says.
「原子力や環境に優しい地球工学技術(大気中CO2捕獲や炭素排出の捕獲・貯留)はすべて考慮されることになるだろう」と彼(Ottmar Edenhofer)は言う。
Robert Stavins, an environmental economist at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and a lead author of the IPCC report, emphasizes that the greatest challenges in mitigating the effects of climate change will be political, not technological.
マサチューセッツ州・ケンブリッジにあるハーバード大の環境経済学者Robert StavinsとIPCC報告書の筆頭著者らは、気候変化の影響を緩和することにおける最大の課題は技術的なものではなく、政治的なものであると強調する。
“The process forces policy-makers to really engage with the science underlying climate change,” says Peters. “Given the scale of the problem we’re facing, that’s good to know.”
「IPCC report under fire」Nature NEWS (15 April 2014)
Averting risky climate change "requires a fundamental transformation of the energy supply system," concludes a summary of the report from the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), released here on 13 April. And so far, humanity has "not done a lot" to achieve that goal, IPCC Chair Rajendra Pachauri told a press conference.
危険な気候変化を避けるには”エネルギー供給システムの根本的な変革が必要である”と、4/13に公表された国連の気候変化に関する政府間パネル(IPCC)による報告書の要約は結論づけている。「これまで、人類は目標を達成するために必要な”多くのことをやっていない”」とIPCC議長Rajendra Pachauriは記者会見の場で発言した。
Since the last assessment, economic growth and burgeoning global coal use have driven emissions ever higher. Global emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) or its equivalent were 7 billion tons greater between 2000 and 2010 than over the prior decade.
(…) the report suggests that aggressive efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions could have their own co-benefits. Stepped-up mitigation could, by cleaning the air, save the equivalent of 10 million lives by 2030 compared with a less aggressive scenario, concluded one study cited in the IPCC report. Another found that the monetary benefits of improved human health would roughly balance the cost of reducing emissions.
「More Sophisticated Forecasts Yield Glimmer of Hope in Climate Gloom」Science 344, 6181 (18 April 2014) “NEWS & ANALYSIS”
この作業が一番トリッキーなところで、カレイダグラフのバグで、たいていの場合指定したサイズにうまく図を作ってくれません。横「4.0 cm」の図にしたいのに「3.96 cm」としたり、「4.02 cm」としたり…(イライラ)
Wordやパワポに貼付けるような図は「ファイル>Microsoft Office用に書き出し(.png)」でO.K.
ここでは、カラーモードを”RGB”、解像度を"300 dpi"にして書き出してみます。
この作業が一番トリッキーなところで、カレイダグラフのバグで、たいていの場合指定したサイズにうまく図を作ってくれません。横「4.0 cm」の図にしたいのに「3.96 cm」としたり、「4.02 cm」としたり…(イライラ)
Wordやパワポに貼付けるような図は「ファイル>Microsoft Office用に書き出し(.png)」でO.K.
ここでは、カラーモードを”RGB”、解像度を"300 dpi"にして書き出してみます。
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